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their Councils abridged. ae3 all this while abundance of faithful Minifcrs that fate down at the lower end; and humble holy People, that fet not up themfelves in worldly Gran- dure,and came not much on the Stage, but approved themfelves in fecret, and in their feveral Places and Cenverfations. to God, force Lay-men, force Priefts, fòme Bifhops, force of their names are come down to usin Hiftory,but thofe are few. They (trove not for great Places, nor did their Works to be feen of Men, nor looked to Men for their-Reward. § I 8. Some of the Canons and Councils of thefe Univerfal I'aftors were anfwerable to their Excommunicatiorís. In Zachary's r 2th Rp f le to his Vafial St. Bonface, he giveth him the refolutioir of many doubts. One is, After how longtime Lard may be eaten ? And it is refolyed by the Pope; That there isyet noCanon orLawfor this by the Fathers , but he determinetbb himrf f i . That it mutt not be eaten before it be dried in the fmoke, or boiled, ( or balled) with fire : But f yód lift to eat it raw,it mull be eaten after the Feaft of Eafter. ] Binning, p. 209. (What would becomeof the Church, if there were not a. ,Judge of filchControverfies, and an infallible Determiner of fuch Queftions? ) g 19. CCXXV. I told you before how the Pope commanded Bonface to call a Council to eje&him that aflerted the Antipodes; I mutt next add a. French Council called by KingCarolomannus, to Reform the Clergy (am. 74.2.) and to reçoverCbrPianReligion, which in the dayes offormer Prin- ces difíipata corruit, 'bbeing dipated, Was ruined; and to thew the People how they may come to favve their Souls, who have been hitherto deceived by falfe Priells. ( They are the words of theKing and Council, Bin. p. 2,5 0. c. 2. ) Where it was decreed that Priefts be not Soldiers, (ianneçeffarily :) That they keepnot Hounds to go an huntingwith, nor Hawks : That every Re- ligious Fornicator {hall in the Jayl do Pennance with Bread and Water. If the Fornicator be a Prieft,he hull be firft fcourged, and then remain in Pri- fon two years : But if an inferior Clerk or Monk fo fall, he íhall be whipt, and then. do Pennance awhole' year in Prifon, and fo the Nuns.. This was fomewhat like a Reformation : Had it notbeen done by a King, it might have pall for Herefie. It was at Ratisbonne, Boniface prefiding. Such another Council called Leptinenfe, there was underCarolomannus. Another Council at Rome repeated theoft repeated Canons,to keep Bifhops and Priefts from Nuns and from Fornication.. § 20. An. 744. Another Synodus Suefan. finder Chilperic governed by Pepin, condemned again Aldebert ( that fet up Croffes in.feveral places, and. drew People to himlèlf) and another as Hereticks. . § 2t. Another Council in Germany, an. 74.5. handfomly fet Bonface the Popes Agent in the Archbifhoprick of . Mentz,. Firft Geroldus- the Arch bifhop is fent out againít theSaxons withan. Army, and.he and moft of them killed : Then Gervilio hisSon, á Lay-man, is made Archbifhop to comfort him. At another War he pretends ,a Conference with him that kili'd his.' Father, and murdershim ; this 'is pall by as blamelefs : But Bonface faithÿ,. That a Man that had his hand in Blood, mull not be. a Bifhop and fò get.