z i 4 Church- Hiiory of Bilhops' and him out, and was made the chief Archbifhop of Germany himfelf in his place. Judge whether he ferved thePope for nought. §,íz. Yet Boniface had not done with the two Hereticks , Aldebert and Clemens, a French man and a Scot. Benifaae fendeth to Rome (Bin. p.2 i 6.) to &fire the Pope, that as he had himfelf condemned there twoHereticks,the Pope would alfò condemn them, and call them into Priföns, where none .might fpeak with them. ( Thus the. Pope obtained his Kingdom, and edi- fied the Church. The motive was,that Bonface profecuring them, had fùf- fered much for their fakes, the People raying that he had taken from them holy Apoflolick Men, ( but this was not a Pritòn. ) . The Crimes which he chargeth on Aldebert a Bifhop are , that he was an Hypocrite, (an open Crime ! ) that lie had Laid an Angel appeared to him, and he had fòme rare Reliques, and that he faid he was Apoflolick, and wrought Wonders ; that he got Come unlearned Bifhops to make him aBifhop abfòlutely , againfl the Canons. He would not confecrate any Church to the memory of anApoflle or Martyr ; and fpake againfl vifiting in Pilgrimage the Temples of the Apoflles : He made Churches to his own honour, and fet up Oratories and Crofles.up and down, and drewPeople from other Bifhops to himfèlf. That he gave his nails and hair to be honoured with the Saints Reliques , and wouldnot hear Confeflions,Paying he knew their fins already. ] 'If all this was true, ( which I know never the more for this Accufàtion) he feemed an Hypocrite indeed, but whether an Heretick, I know not. The Scot Heretick is accufed as denying the Church Canons, and the meaning of fume Fathers, defpifing the Synods Laws, flying that he may Hill be a Bifhop ( for#ò he was) though he had two Sons, (in Adultery, faith Boniface, perhaps in Marriage;) and (as he-faith-) holding that a Man may marry his Brothers Widow, and that Chrifc at his Defcent deli- vered all Souls out of Hell. ] This was a foul Error indeed, if truly charged. Thefe were charged by Boniface and the Roman Synod , to be forerunners of Antichrift, ( and how like are Aldebert's Pretenlons to ma- ny RomanSaints!) A Prayer alto of Aldeberts was read, inwhichhe pray- ed to Angels under feveral orange names Bifhops and Presbyters had Votes in this Council, and fitbfcribed the Hypocrites condemnation. Bin.p. 2.18. But there is no certainty that he named more than three Angels. § 23. Stephen the adwas chofen Pope by ALL THE PEOPLE after 2achary,anddyed four days after fuddenly. § 24..Stephen the 3d was chofen by all the People ( faith Anaflafius. ) Aifiulphus, King of the Longobardo, threatnedRome, took their Gifts, and .demanded their Subjeaion. TiePope (after Gregory the ad's Rebellion ) was glad to fend to the Empero , to crave an Army to fave Rome and Italy ; when he could get no help fr Ccnflant. he fent to PepinKing of France. One that he had made King by Rebellion, was obliged to help him, and by an Army forced Aifiulphus to covenant to reftore Ravenna, and many other ItalianCities, ( not to the Emperor, whole Agent claimed his right,and was denied by Pepin;) but to thePope, (to reward him, and get the pardon of bis