their Councils abricaed. z i 5 his fins. ) Aiftulphus broke his Covenants. Pepin with another Army forceth him to deliver them, and returneth. Aiflulphus dyeth ; Defiderius a Captain. byUfurpation invadeth the Kingdom, Radchis that had beenKing before, and went into a Monaftery, and the Nobles of the Longobards refill the Rebel. He fendeth to thePope, offering himall that he could delire ( more Cities ) to helphim : The Pope makethhisown bargain withhim,as he did with Pepin, ( and Charles Martell before ) and by the help of the French, fetleth the Rebel Defiderius in the Kingdom. Pepin maketh a Deed of Gift of all the forefaid Cities to the Church of Rome, ( Was this Conftantine's Gift?) He gave away another Mans ( the Emperor's ) Dominions , and withDefidrrius's additions, now the Pope is become aPrince. . . §.t4. CCXXVIII. We come now to a great General Council of 338` Bifhops at Confrantinople, An. 754. under Con. antine Cop'onymus againftthe s..rtict Se -- worfhiping of Images: The Adverfaries of it will not have it called the Zit' f 7th General Council, becaufe divers Patriarchs were abfent, and it decreed, Per. fay they, againft theTruth. They not only condemned the worfhiping of Ima- Crabbe gee, and Germanos Conftantinus, GeorgiusCyprius, Jo. Damafcenus,and other P458. fay' Worfhipers of them; as Idolaters; but deftroyed the Reliques of Martyrs, and Llhe at exalted an Oath of Men (by the Crofs,.and the holy Eucharilt) thet they but would never adore Images, but execrate them as Idols, nor ever pray to the ho- nuls con- & Apoftles, Martyrs, and bleffed Virgin, faith Baroniars and Binntzrs, p. z3 5. fear' But the e 5th and t 7th definitions of this Council recited in the ad Nicene Council, fhew that they were not fo free frompraying tó the Virgin Mary and Saints, as we could with they had : For they decree we muff crave her interceqions, and theirs,; but they forbad praying to their Images. - § 2..5. TheA&s of thisCouncil ( not plealug the Adverfaries) are not delivered fully to us,; but it fell out that, their Decrees are repeated word by word in the adNicene Council, and fo preferved. 4 26. There is one Do&rinal definitionof this Council, owned -allo by their Adverfiiries the ad Concil. Nicen. which by the way I will take notice of, about the glorified Body of Chriff, ( and confequently ours after the Re- furre&ion) that it is a Body but not Flefh, Bin. p. 378. defin. 7. " [ Siquis " non confef less fuerit Dominum noftrum 7efum Chriflum pelt af,1'umptionem- " animates, rationelle 'intelleétualrs. Carnes fimul Jedere corn Deo ¿ Pitre, "atque eta quoque rurfìts venturum cum Paterna Majeftate, judicdturum vivos " & martuos, non ampliars guidon Carnem, neque incorporeun tamen ut videà- <a.! " tar ab its á quibats compunl'es e.£I, e r- maneat Deus extracraftudinem car- " nis,Anathema. ] To which faith the Nicene Council by Epiphanias, [" Hue ufque reite: fentiunt &Patrum traditionibus convenientia dïcueit, &c. Two forts I would'have take notice of this : s. ThePapifts,.who ;fay that the Bread is turned into Chrift's very Fieh,. when he bath no very Heaven : And iheecfore the meaning muff be of the Sacramental Sign, that it is the Reprefentation of that. real Flefs of.' Chrift which.was facrificed on the.Cross.. as. Some.'