z i 6 Chitrd;-Hifiory of Bifhops and I. Some 'prc.íudiced.Próteftants that think he that faith, [ OurBodies (and Ghrifts ) in Heaven, will-not be Flefh and Blood formally and properly fo cal- led, but ffüritual glorious Bodies 3 doth fay fome dangerous new affertton ; filch grofs.thoughts have grog heads of the heavenly 'late. To thefe I fay, r. You contradl& the exprefs words of God's Spirit, i Cor. r s. Flefh and Blood cannot enter,&c. That it is meant of Formal Flefh andBlood,and not Metaphorical (Sin ) is plain in the Context , fee Dr. Hammond on the Text. .. Give but a true definitionof Flefh and Blood,and it will convince you of itfelf. 3. You fee here that you maintain an Opinion which thefe two ( even àdverfe) General Councilsanathematized. g 2-7. By this Council we may fee, how little General Councils lignifie with the Paps either as to Infallibility, Authority, or prefervation of Tra- dition, longer than` theypleafe the Pope. As.to their Objeerion, that call it Pfeudofeptimum, that the Popewas not there; I anfwer r. No more was he by himfelf or Legate at the firíl of Conftant. called the Id General Council, as Binnius profeílèth. a.. Is not the Church theChurch, if thePope be not there ? Then he maychoofe whether ever there íhall be more General Coun- cils, (as indeed he doth.) § z$. CCXXIX. An. 756 . KingPepin called aCouncil inFrance, decla- ring that things were fo far out of order,that he could attempt but a partial Reformation, leaving the ref} till better times. The firft Canon was , that o i every City have a Bifhop ; of old Hurst , fignifiedevery fuch Town as our Corporations and Market-Towns are : And by all the old Canons and Cufloms. ( except fome odd ones) every fuch Town of Chriflians was to have a Bifhop; and inPbrygia, Arabia, &c. the Villages had Bithops, faith Socrates, &c. And inmanyplaces the Villages had Chorepifcopas, whichPe- tavius (Annot. in.Epiphan. Arian.) fully proveth were true Bithops. And yet then the molt ofthe People in moll Countries were without the Church; fo that then a.Church was no greater than was capable of perfonal Com- munion. Here this King (being made by the Pope) fo far gratified theClergy,as to decree thatContemners of Excommunication fhould be banifhed. And now the Keys do fgnifie theSword, and Church-Difcipline is made another thing thanChriff had made it. The a 3th Cap. is, That no vacant Bifhop meddle in another Bifhop's Pariíh without his confent, (by whattrue authority then can the Pope meddle in other Mens Diocetfes, lince the foundation of his humane authorit' in the Empire is fubverted? ) The 1 4thCap.decreed,That Men may ufe Horfes and Chariotsfor Travel on the Lord's-day, and get Meat and Drink, &c. but not do common work. The r 7th, That no C'erk try his Caut before .a Lay-Judge, without the Bithop's leave. 4 29. Pope Stephen dying,in the divifion at the next choice, (by all the People) the ttronger part chofe Paulus a Deacon, CCXXX. in his time a German