their Councils abridged. z t German Council condemned Oatbmarus , Abbot of St. Gallus, for Inconti- nence, and put hiin in Prifon, where he dyed of Famine ; asHifforians fay, tnalicioufly upon falfe occultation. 30. At this time the Greeks accufed the Romans, for adding the word [ Filioque ] to the Creed : Andabout that and Images, they fay there was fòme Synod at a Village called Gentiliace. § 3 t. Pope Paul dying, and the People having dill thechoice , he that could get the greated drength was in.hope of fo rich a Prey : And Con'tan- tine, Brother to one Duke Toto, getting thedronged Party, by fear compel- led George Bifhop of Pr eneftine, with two more Bifhops, to make him Pope, ( being -firf ordainedDeacon, ) he poflefled the Popedom alone a year and a month : Then one Chriftopher the Primocerius, and his S911-S,e7gius being pow- erful, got out to the King of the Longobards, and craved his`*e1p agáind .Conftantine as an Ufurper ; andgatheringCome drength got into orne, killed Toto ; and caufed Cenitantine the Pope,and another Brother Pafveos to take .Sanhluary. One Waldipertus a Presbyter was of Ciriftapher's Party,, and to make hade,without Chr f opher's knowledge, he gathereth a Party, and''they make one Philip (aPresbyter) Pope. (So therewere two Popes.) Chrifto phorus incenfed, fwore he would not enter Rome, tillPhilip was pull'd out of theBifhop's houfe; which Gratiofus, one of his Party, prefently performeth, and Philip returneth to his Monaftery. Chropborus calleth the Clergy, Peo- ple andSoldiers together, and (by his means ) they chufe another Stephen, ( and fo there are threePopes. ) The AEtors being now in their zeal, go to Theodorus a Bifhop, and Vicdominus that joined with Pope Conftantine,and they put our his eyes, and cut out his tongue. Next they attempted the like excæcation on Paffivus. Bifhop Theodore they thruft into a Monaftery, and there ( while he-cryed for a little water) they famished him to death. Paffi- vus they put into another Monaftery. They took all their Goods and Pof- fefliions. Pope Cenfiantine they brought out, and fet on Horfeback on a Womans Saddle with Weights at hisFeet, and put him into a Monaftery, ( How holy then wereMonafteries !) Shortly after they brought him forth, and Pope Stephen and fomeBifhops depofed him. Then the Citizens were to make their penitent Confeffions for owning him. Next the Army goeth to . latrur inCampania, where Gracilja the Tribune that had been for Con- ftantine is apprehended, brought bound to Rome, imprifoned , and after his eyes put out, and his tongue cut out. After this, Gratiofus and his Zealots go to the Monaftery where they had thruft Pope Gongamine, and drag him out, and put out his eyes, and leave him blind in the dreet. Next, they go to their own Friend Pried Waldipertus, and feign that he had laid a Plot with the Longobards to kill Chriftopher, and fend to apprehendhim, and when he fled for San&uary to aTemple, they drew him out with the blefíedVirgins Imagein his hand ( even then when they were rebelling for the fake of Images ; ) but that would not Faye thePried, (becaufe he fet up Philip for Pope ;) they thruft him intoa filthy Dungeon-hole, but that was too good for him : In a few days theydrewhim out, and calling him on die earth,put _ F f out 7