their Councils abridged. , , z i 9 -i'ome days conference with him, fendeth to Chriopher :rendér himfelf to the"King; TheCitizens hearing this, forfookChropher and Sergius ; Gra tiofas ( feeing they were deferted by the People through the Pope.) 'went out fira to the King and Pope, andSergius next , and Chr f opher laft. The Popewas fo kind to them that made him Pope, that he made them Monks, andput them in San&uary inSt. Peter's Church to fave their lives: But they had Aìlonibezek's juflice, and were foon drag'd out thence, and Chr opher's eyes put out, of whichhe dyed. But Sergius was awhile a Monk , and then thruft in the Laterane Cellar. Thus went the matters of the Univer- fal Monarch atRome. §'36. A little before the Pope's death,Sergiars was fetcht blind out o'f the Cellar, and kill'd ; the next Pope fearcht out the Authors, and found them to bePaulas"Cubicularins, and the late Pope's Brother, and other great Men; and he profecuted fomeof them to Baniíhment, but the Archbifhop of Ra- venna caufedPaul to be killed. 4 3 7. It was Adrian (aDeacon) that was then chofen Pope ( Son to the chief Man in Rome, ableft toofe& it.) Upon thefe firs, Defiderius defl- red friendfhip with thePope; buthe demanding the Cities which Pepin had given the Church ( tome of which Defderius fl;ill kept) and doing the forefaid jufl:ice onthe Friends of Defiderius, he came with an Army and killedmany, and took manyCities. ThePope urgeth the ref}itutionof all his Cities, ( indeed the Emperor's) given him by Pepin ; he íl ill denieth; the Pope gets Charles of France to come with an Army, for fear of whom the Longobards flie. TheDutchy of Spoletum,and other Cities, yield them- felves to the Pope, ( and, as a token of fubje&ion, receive tonfre.) Charles befiegeth Defderius in Papia, and forceth his Brother Carloman's Wife and Childrenthat fled to the Longobards, to yield themfelves to him ; while the SiegecontinuedCharles went to Rome, and was glorioufly entertained by the Pope, and renewed to him Pepin's gift of all the Exarchate of Ravenna, and many Dukedoms and Cities, ( which were none of his own to give) and now the Pope is aPrince indeed. And Charlesreturning to the Siege, con- quereth Papia, takethKing Defideriau, and winneth all the,Longobards King- dom : And thusStrength gaveRight (according to the AtheiftsOpinion now !Erring, that [Riglt is nothing but a power to get and keep.] Pepin and Charles make themfelves Kings, and thePope a Prince; that while they (hare the Emperor's Dominions between them, they might be a fcretsgth to one an- other. And Defiderius being himfelf but an Ufurper, helpedby thePope in- to theThrone, no wonder if when interefl: changed, the fame hand- ra-.ce him down. How Charles his Brother Caro/mä% dyed, and why his Wife and Sons fledfrom Charles to the Longobards, and what became of them , is not well known. § 3 8.PepeAdrian the t íl thus made a greaterPrince than any before him, did greater works than they had done, and ob nimium amorem Sànëli Petri, ex ìnJ sratione D "'iña, built many great and fl:ately- Buildings ., made all places about his Palace; Baths, e c. fit for fplendid pomp and pleafure, and F' f 2 all