Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

2 2 0 Church -Rory of Bhops and all this from meerfelf-denial and holinefs:, ManyChurches alfo he repaired . and adorned, and did many other fuch good works. § 39. This great Adrian was before but a Deacon. I. have oft mar- velled to read that Deacons were fo ordinarily then made Popes, ( and tome- times Lay-men)whenyet the old Canons required anorderly riling through tr, the feveral degrees. It was no wonder that then a Deacon at Rome was a far higher preferment than a Bifhop : For a Deacon ( and a Prieff ) might be chofenPope, but a Bifnop could not : For of old (when Dioceffes and Parifhes were all one ) the Canons decreed thatno Bifhop fhould remove to another Church, ( except being Confecrated byothers, he never contented nor had poffeffion ;) fo that every Bifhop muff live and dye in the place where he was firft Ordained ; fo that Rome, Cone. Alex. Antioch, &c. and all the great. Seats chofe either Deacons, Prieffs, or Monks to be their: Patri- archs and Bifhops. Nowonder then,if as Nazianzen faith, Orat. r. it was the cuflom to have almoftas many Clergy men in every Church as People, in regard of the prefent Honour, and the future hopes of Preferment. Indeed he carried it that had the greateft Friends, which was as commonly the Dea- con, as thePrieff or Archdeacon. Bywhich wemay conjeáure,whether the worthieff Men were made Popes : Forif they were the worthieff, why were they by former Popes never made higher before than Deacons ? Did not the Popes .know the ,worthiefl men ? And if a breach of the Canons in Eleçfions nullifie the regularSucceflions. , by this it is evident, that the Roman Seat hath no -fuck Succefiion. § 40. By theway the Reader muff note,that in all the Writings of the Popifh Clergy concerning thefe matters, there are certain terms of Art, or Intereft, which mull be underffood as followeth, viz. t. Santfiffimiss Papa,.the moft Hely Pope,fsgnifieth any profperous'Bifhop of Rome; how wicked foever in his life. z. Rex .Pienti tmsac, the sooff PiousKing, fignifietlia. King that took parta with thePope, and advanced his Opinions and Inter-eff. 3. Imperatwr:Sceleratiimrrs, & Ravenous Nefandus, &c. , a moff wicked Emperor,. (or Patriarch, or any other) and abominable. Heretick] _Ggni fieth one that was againft the Pope, his Interefl or Opinion. Hamo menda- cimus, a Lyar,is one that faith what the Papifls would not have to be true. If youunderffand them otherwife, you are deceived ( ordinarily. ) § ¿ t. About the death of Paulus Cabicularius, and others, note, that it had longbeen the way of the Church-Canons, to contradiá God's great Law- forhumane fafety, [ He thatfheddetb Man's blood, by Man (hall.bir blood be filed ;.] and on pretenceof .being ( more) merciful. ( than God) to entice Murderers, Adulterers, and all wickedThieves andCriminals tomake up the Church`of Chi-a, by decreeing, that iñftead of being.Hanged,,orteheaded, if, they would but be Baptized,. they fhouldbut be kept for a timé from the Sacrament, or, do Pennance; and. what, Villain,. would not . then, be a.. ihrif}ián.?',