their Councils abridged. 21 t s 42. Here arifeth a- great Controverfie with Sigibert, ( a Monk-Hifto- rian) and Gratian himfelf,which Baronitts and Binus take up, viz. the firft fay, [That Charles being at Rome,aCouñcil there with Pope Adriangavehim the power of chufing the Pope,and orderi,g the A p ofiolick Seats; and all Bithops and Archbops in all Provinces, to receive Inveftiture from him;and that none fhould ConfecrateaBifhop unlefs he were praifed and invejied by the King; and that theyAnathematize all that rebel againff this Decree, and conffeate their Eftates if they repent' not: But, fay Baronies and Binnias, this is a lye, and de- viled deceit to flatter the Emperor Henry a Schfmatick. And whileChro- niclers may have theLye given them fo eafily byDiffenters in matters of fuck publickFait, we are left at great uncertainty in Hiffory, othersas confident- ly giving the Lye to the Papal Flatterers as they do thofe of their own Re- ligion that do not pleafe them. One of the Reafons againft this Decree, is the contrariety of theFrench Conffitutions, 1. I. .c. 84. raying, [ Not being ignorant of the facredCanons we confented to the EccleftaftickOrder, to wit, that Bithops be chofen by the Election of the Clergy and PEOPLE, according to the Statutes of the Canons out of their ownDiocefs, without reffiec`t of Perfons orRewards, forthe merit of their lfe, and theirgift of wifdom, that by example andword they may every way profit thofe that are under them.] t This indeeddheweth howBifhops,by the Canons were to be çhofeñ ., even tillAefe days of Charles the Great ; he was to be taken for- no Bifhgp that Came not in by thePeoples (as well as the Clergies) Eleftion, or con- tent at leaff t. But this contradiaeth notwhat Sigibert and. Gratian fay; the Emperor might -ffill have a negativevoice after all, efpecially as to a Pope : In very deed, the door is fife that hathdivers locks. .; t. It belongeth to theClergy and Ordainers to judge who fhall be [ABithop or Minerof Sacred things.] t. It belongeth to theFlock todifcern whom they will accept for THEIR Bithop or Paftor. 3. It belongeth tothe Magiffrate to judge whom he will . countenance or tolerate in that Office. § 43. Paulus Diciconus theHiftorian was Secretary to Defderius the Lon- gobard Kin ;Charles in anger commanded his hand to be cut off, for doing fbmewhat for his own King againft him ; the Courtiers added , that hie . eyes fhouldbe putout;- which made Charles confider and fay, If we do but cist of bis hand, where fhall wefind fuch anotherHifborian ? § 4.4,. Conftantine the Emperor now dying, calledCopronymus ; thePapifts call us to takenotice- what aLeader we.follow-that are againft the Woríhip of Images ; flying that he dyed with the beginnings of . Hell-fire, convinced of his fin againft theVirginMary, and that all his life he loved the finell of . dung, and ltinking things ; ffrong Arguments for Image-worfhip, as worthy as Sigebert's and Gratsan's," to be fufpe6fed as Lyes, or . of little cer -. minty. ..