their Councils abridocd.. 223 §449. Paul Bifhop of Conti. havingfworn againfl Images , and re- penting, is fàid to refign his place, and to tell them that they mull have a General Council ; and Tarafius fucceeding him , being for Images , got a promife of a Council. It teems by their Epiflles, though they agreed about Images, Pope Adrian and this Tarafius accufed each other as fùfpe&ed. of Si= ihony,feè Bin. p. 262. and the Epiflles. Irene knew that Tarafius was for her turn, andTarafius knew that Irene was for Pi6lures; and fobetween them common notice was given abroad before-hand to the Bifhops, ( that lately had condemned Image-worthip, and pull'd them down) that the Emprefi and the Patriarch were for refloring Images, and would call a Council to that end : and this was enough to prepare the majority-of theBifhops for a fudden change. §..5o. Betides a Council at Íhormes; An, 77 a,. to little purpofe,:f7elferus hath publifhed one of that year at Dingolvinga in Bavaria under Duke 7rfyilo,which had divers Canons of Equity, and force : of Superflition ; one was, that certain Bithops and Abbots agreed, that whofoever - dyed fink, the refl fhould fing fo manyPfalms, and get thirty Maflès to be-faid. And a notable Priviledge granted.te all that will but feek liberty or fhelter in .the, Church, that both they and their Poflerity fhall be- free, unlefs-they bring :á debt undifchargeable on themfelves. § 5 r. There is by Canifis publifhed an Epitome of the oldCanons. (ex- cept the Nicene) as gathered by this Adrian , and fent to Charles Magi I will recite a few of them, Ex Clem. c. 23. "Let a Bifhop,-or Presbyter ; " or Deacon, taken in Fornication, Perjury, or Thft, be depofed, but not ex- " communicate. "C. 2.8. That a,.Bifhop whoobtaineth a Church by. the Secular Powers be "depofed.. "Can.Antioch. 8. Countrey Presbyters maynotgive CanonicalEpiftles, but ` -th`e Chorepifcopi, ( by which it is plain, that the Chorepifcopi were not Presbyters, but (as Petavius on Epiphan. Arrias hath well proved) G0 true co.Bifhops. " C. i a. That condemnedClerks fhallnever be refiored if they go to. the " Emperor. " Can. Laodic. e. 33. [That no one pray withHereticks or. Schifmaricks, ] - (which feemeth-tooblige us to feparate from the Roman Prelates, who are grievous Syliifmaticks, by impófing things unlawful on the Churches, and fi lencing.and perfecuting.thofe that obey not their finful Laws. Before the Can. Sankt: htmentioneth theweaknefs of old ©fans, that laid that they werlRitlí in the right, who ufed the -- word [ of one frsbflance, and [of the likefiifiosnce. j "Can. Sard. a. :Thata Bifhop that by Ambition changeth his Seat, fhall not " have (fomuch as) Lay-communion (nonot) at the end. "C. 14. C. 15. That no Bifhop be above three weeks in another City, ncr "above twó weeks.from his own Church, ( which .implieth that each Bifhop had then his own particular Church. ) " Cam 131 s'y