Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

Cñ, urch-T-10ory of Ir3i1hops and " Can. AFric. c. i 5. That there be no Re-baptizing, Re-ordaining, nor Tram "flations of Bifhops. "C. 17. That if a Bifhop to be Ordained be Contradicted, ( that is, by any obje&ed unfitnefs ) " he (hall not áfter.-be Ordained as purged only by three "Bifhops, but bymany. "C. i 9. That Diecefes that wants Bilhopf,receiveorone without the content of " the Bifhop who hitherto held them , (fo it -was) not proudly; For if he " ovenccld them, (that is, hold them under himfelf alone, when they need moreBifhops) "áithug to fit over the People,and deffiáfing his Fellow-Bifhops, " be is not only to be driven from the retainedDioceffes, but alfo from his own "Church:] (fothat no proud Bifhops fhould have power to hinder the Churches from having as many Bithops as they need. ) "C. 6o. That Bifhops that are of later Ordination, prefume not to let or "prefer ihemfelves before thofe that were befre them. "C. 94. If aBifhop,fix months after admonition of other Bithops, negleft to "make Catholicks of thePeople belonging to his Seat, any other (hall obtain them "that fhall deliver themfrom their Herefie : (that is, Donatifm,or the like; ) fo that if one Bifhop negle& the Souls of his People, and another that is more able and faithful convert them,they may be the Flock of him that con- verted them, without removingtheir dwelling. G0 C. z o5. That aBifhop (hall not Excommunicate a man on a Confefon " inside only to himfelf: if he do, otherBifhops (hall deny Communion to that "Bfhep § 5z,. Several German Councils are mentioned, (atWormes, Paderborne, 'Dario, in.which (by anew example) Charles Mag. is confirmed to force she Saxons to profe(s themfelves Chriffians, and to take an Oath never to re- volt ; who yet ( doing it byconffraint) were oft perjuredand revolted, till at laff their Heathen Duke Wetichind became a voluntary Chriftian him- felf. § 53. There are 8 o more Canons againff Opprefrors of the Clergy, faid to be colle&ed by Adrian, of which one is the old one, "That;no Bifhop "judge the Cauf of any Pried, without thepretnce of his Clergy; becaufe the "Bofhop's Sentence(hall be void, if it be not confirmed by the pretence of the "Clergy. Another, "That no Bifhop ordain orjudge in another's Parif, elfe it fhall be " void; For we judge that noone is bound by the fentence of any other sedge, ° "but his own : (Who then is bound by the Pope, or any Ufurper, who will Excommunicate thofe that are not of his Flock? ) Another faith, " [[ By a general Sanction we forbid Foreign judgments, "becaufe it is unmeet that he fhould be judged byftrangers,who ought to have " judges of the fame Province, and that are chofen by himfelf. C Another, [" That no Bifhop prefume to judge or condemn any of theClergy, " unlefs the accufed Perfn have lawful Accufers ?relent, and have place for " defending himfelf by anfvering to the Charge. Another, o