TheContents. flexion on the Lords elaies. 4. 104. Charles M. reftoreth Learn- ing: A Council at Chalones decreedagainft the Oath ofCanonical Obedience. 4. 1o5, 106. Another againft Arch-Deacons ruling Presbyters, and taking Fees of them. 4. 107. Othersfor the old Excommunication, and about Confefion to God andMan, andagainft truft inPilgrimages. 4. 108, 109, zzo. Another Council at Con- ilantinople curfeth that at Nice, id, and pull down Images, and the Bithops turn again. S. 113. The murder ofBithops punifhedby Payments at laft. 4. 114. Ludovicus Pius, Emperour, Bithops with Bernard rebel, Stephen made Pope without him, pardoned. 4. x15. His care of loft Learning: A pious Treatifè out of the Fa. thers ; againft Bithops domination, and for their equality with Pref byters in Scripture- times. S. n6. 6. Againft Clergy fins, and Wo- mens company. Againft genuflection on the Lords days : Auguftines contempt of appeals to Councils and Rome : A ftrange temperance of the Canonical Monks, that were tyed to four poundof Bread and five pound of Wine in a day; or infcarcity, to three pound ofWine and three poundofBeer ; or in greater fcarcity, to onepoundof Wine and fiveof Beer. 4. 1 x8. Ludovicus Pius maketh the Pope great- er than ever. 4. Izo. Michael Balbus murdering Leo, Armenus fendeth to Ludovicus Pius about Images : An Aftmbly at Paris called by him judge the judge of the World, and the Nicenefecond Councilfaith Bellarmine. +. 124. Now both Eat} and Weft judg- ed the Pope andhis General Council to erre; yea this Emperour that made himGreat. 4. 12.5. A book of concordby the Pope and Em- perour, that Images are neither to be contemptuou,y broken, nor adored. Bellarmines words againfl it. He revileth the Popes words, that Princes are Governours of the Church. 4. 127, 1:28. Confuted. Faith andLove may be without Images. 4. 129. It was the right of the Empire to confent or not, to the chofen Pope. §. 13z. Platina wifheth for a Ludovicus to reform the luxurious Clergy then. 4. 133. A Paris Council write an excellent Book: They tell of f me (truck with Thunderbolts, Convutons, &c. for and as working on the Lords day. Andfy Beati Petri vicem gerimus. 4. 136. The Emperour making his three Sons Kings, they Rebel : Ile conquereth Pipin, Lotharius rebelleth again. Ebbo and a Councilof Bithops wickedlydepofe him abfent and unheard, andforce him to refign his Scepter on the Altar, and thruft him into Prifan Thus was the heft of Princes that me advanced the Clergy ufed by them,