Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

The Contents., and abfolveth his fworn Subjefts: An Antipope made thatfate zx years, (the z3d fchifm.) The Emperour barefoot in frog threedays begspardon, andpromifeth obedience. He is again curledby thePope inCouncil, as having,power totakeaway Kingdoms, and allthat men have, 4 41,42. The Siege ofRome : Two Popes: Gregory's death, 4 42. He threatneth to dcpofe the King of France : claims Hunga- ry,&c. 47.3. Binntus, recordofTHE POPESDICTATES, telling in 2.7 Articles WHAT POPERY IS, 4 44. He claimeth Spain, 4 46. and Dalmatia, 4 49 A great part ofthe Bithops againft him, 4 49. Pronounceth unfncere repentance fruitlef, 4 5o. Denyeth Di- vine Service in the Sclavonian tongue, 4 51. I!l weather imputed to the illLives ofPriefts: The Armenians erreurs what, 4 , 51. Apt lia, &c.. the Popes,. 4 51. One man turned anhundredthoufand men in Spainfrom the Pope. He threatneth to Excommunicate anddepofe theKing ofSpain, as an Enemy to the Chriftian Religion, 4 5z He newlyfound St. Matthews body; 4 54. He will ex ofe the Prince of Sardinia unlefs he obey him in making all Prieffs (have their beards,:, 4 55. Notes hereon. The French convert the Sweeds, and the Pope would reap thefruit, 4 g6. His notableEpiftle toprove Popes, Priefts,. (and Exorcißs) above Kings, 4 57: Anfwered, 4 58. Peterpence, 4 S9 An Arch-bifhop fufpended for not vfting Rome, 4 6o. A_pious Lie for Peace is afin, 4 6a. The oldSpaniih Liturgy partly contrary to the Chri/lianFaith till now, 4 61. His refpelt to William the Con- querour, &c. 4 64, 66. The German Bithops hereticate the Pope, forforbidding Marriage, 4 67. Matthew is forfaken, 4 68. Philip King of France and many great Bithops excommunicate, 4 69, Divers Councils, excommunicating contrarily; the Antipopes , 4 69, to 74. Ordinations null that are made pretio, preci- bus vel obfequio, and not by the common confent of Clergy, and People, 4 75. He cxcommunicateth the Greek Empereur ufurping, 4 76. The Greek affairs fum.m'dup, 4.77. The power of Pope andBi- fhops to depofe Kings, 4 79.A Council Charafler of Gregory, 4 80. ACouncil make Loyalty to be Hmrefis Henriciana; 4 87. The D f ciple is not above his Mafier, anfwered, 4 87. Wecilo's hereuie, that men obey not unjuft Excommunications, but may by others be received, 4 88. The 23d. Schifm, 4 9 a. Vi&or's Soldiers conquer Clement's, 4 97;. Lay Princes prefentations or Invellitures are Herefe: every Heretick isanfn /del: It's betterbe without vi/ibl? Communion than have it withfuch, 4 93. Confeftaries overthrow ng Rome, ib. A n:,,,