Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

The Gmcnts. Popes andCouncils condemn each other as Hereticks, 4 250. The Pope claimetk, the Empire by ..Efcheate, 4 251. The Prieft to take the name ofevery Parifboner, that king confè,(fed andconfirmed they may communicate only by his counfel, 4252. The Greek affairs, 42,5'6. A Toletane Council Decree that their Provincial Conflitutions bindonly ad pcenam,not ad culpam, left Chriflians Confciences le lur- dened, ¢ 257. Afterfeventyyears refidence at Avignion, fortyyears more there were twoPopes (andfometime more) one at Avignion and one at Rome. Difeord tboofeth an honeft Pope, but Concordan Anti_ Pope. Their Wars : The Pope drowneth Cardinals in Sacks, and makes twenty nine new ones in one day, 426o. Italy Rill the molt unpeaceable warring place of the World, ¢ 262, 263. The Popes $loody way of curing.Schifm, 0263. The Council ofPifa thinking to ave lit,' one Pope made a third, 4 267. Who Depofed King Ladi- aus, ¢ z68. CHAP. 13. The Councils of Confiance, I3aG1, &c. That ar, Confiance, calledlyPope John 21 (alias 22 or 23 or 24) ly Sigif- mund the Emperours means, Councils above thePope, 4 3. Wickliffe Articles, 4 6. One is, that they are Traytors to Chriff, who give o. verpreaching, andhearing Gods word, for mens Excommunications, 46, 54 heynous Articlesagainff PopeJohn, commonly calledTheDe- vil incarnate: An obflinate Heretick, denying the life to come, &c. 08. He ratifeth all himfelf, and with other two Popes is depofed, 4 9. Adecree againft giving the Sacramental Cup, though Chrifi and theAncient ChurchuJedit,41o. Articles againft John Husas Wick- lirs; More as hisown,* 12, 13. Excommunication muff not make us leave offPreaching: Aggainfi Hierome of Praguebreakingfafe Con- duffs, 414, 15. The thirdPope depos'd, 416. Decrees for frequent General Councils: Popes Eletfions regulated A new Pope chofen, 4 17. The Fate of P. John andthe ref!, 418,19. Conlin/recap/47s at Rome, againft the Pope, andin Italy, 4 23. The Councilat OafI. The Bohemians cafe: Their 'bur Articles, r. For the fiell Sacrament. 2. For col-re-ding public, Crimes. 3. For lilerty to preach Gods Word. 4. Againfl the Clergies civilPower ; alleluded, ¢ 24. Bifhop Augufliriùs de'Roma'serreurs(Phanatick) Pardon of all fins confeft with aconti ite heart, foldfor money and failing, 4 27. Their Catho- lick Verities : I. For Councils Supremacy. 2. They may not le direly- e I@ci,