and their Councils Abridged, 467 tutors of Gods Minifers have been ever taken as walking Devils -: And the hotteft of Gods wrath hath fain upon them. Take two inflances t. When theJew, went into Captivity, this was the very caufe, 2 Mon. 36. 15, t6. [But they mocked the MejJengers of God, and defpifed his words, and enifufed his Prophets, till the wrathof the Lord arofe againft his people, till there was no remedy. z. And when the Jews were cut quite off from the Church, and made Vagabonds on the Earth, this was the very. caufc, Alls 28.28. Be it known therefore toyou, that the falvation of God is fent to the Gentiles, andthat they will hear it.] t 2hef. 2. I 5, t 6. Thefe Jews [bothkilled the Lord jefus,and their own Prophets, and have perfecutedus : and they pleafenot Gad,and are contrary to allmen,forbiddingus to f eak to the Gentiles, that they might be faved,to fill up theirfrn alway ; for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermofi.] t9. h is the Devils own part that thefe. Malignants ad : For it is he that is the greatEnemy of Chrift, and the Saints, and he that is the Accufer of the Brethren, which accufeth them before God day and night: And is not this the work of Quakers, Drunkards, Papifis, and all Malignants? But the 'Lord will rebuke them, and bethe gloryof hisfervants, Zach. 3. t, 2. [He (hewed meJofhua the Higb.Prieft handing before the Angel of the Lord, and Sa- tanffanding athis righthand to refill him. And the Lord faid unto Satan ; The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan, even theLord that bath cbofn Jerufalem.] 20. Thefe Malignants do moll of them condemn themfelves; for they honour the Ancient Minifters of Chrift that are dead, even while they op- pofe and hate the prefent that are living, who are the neareft Imitators of theirpoclrine and life thatareonEarth ! Thename of Peter; and Paul, and Johnthey honour, and force ofthemkeep Holy-days for them; and at the fame time hate and reproach thofe that preach the fame Doe trine , and . that becaufe they tread in their fieps. They honour the namesofAuffin, and Chryfoflom andHierom, and other Ancients ; and hate thofe that preach and live as they did. They fpeak honourably of the Martyrs that were burned todeath for theDothine of Chrift; and at the fame time they hate us for doing as they did. what difference between the Calling, Doctrine and lives of thofe Martyred Minihers, and thefe that are now alive? O wretched Hypocrites ! do you not know that thefe Apoflles, Fathers, and. other Minihersdid fuller in theirtime from fuch as you, as we now da, and. more ? Hear what Chrifi faith to fuch as you, Mat. a. 29, 30, 3 t. [Woe to you Scribes, Pharifies, Hypocrites; becaufe ye build the Tombs of the Prophets, and garnifb the Sepulchres of the Righteous, and fay, Ifwe had been in ,the days of our Fathers, we would not have beenpartakers with them in the blood of the Prophets: Ye are witnefes to your felves, that ye are the children of themwhich killed the Prophets : fillye up then the meafure ofyour Fathers: Ye Serpents, ye Generation ofVipers, how can ye efcape the damnation of Hell? ] a t. Moreover, thefe Malignantsdoharden them yes againfl the frelhcfl ofthe Judgments of God, which force of their own h Inds have aeecured; and jullitie the Perfecutors, and fucceed them in their fury. Have you for- gottenwhatGod hath donehere again!} the. Papal Enemies of the Gcfpel 00 0 2 and