468 Church-. Eliftory of 13i/hops and Minifiry, in 88. and the Powder-plot, and many other times ? Have youalready forgotten how the perfecutors of a godly Miniftry have fped within thefe fixteen years in England and Ireland ? And dare you now Land up in their room and make your felves the heirs of their fin, and punithrnent, and juftitìe them in all their Malignity? What do you but luflifie them, whenyou rave againfi and revile the fame fortof Minifters, and many of the fame perlons, whom the former Malignants perfecut- ed ? and oppofe the fame fortof Minifters that the Papijis burned ? And would not youdo the like by them ifyou had Power in your hands? Can any wife man doubt of it, whether Papifs, and Quakers, and Drunk- ards, that now make it their work tomake theMiniiry odious, would not Loon di(patch them if they could ? Blefed be the great ProteEiorof the Church, for were it not for him, our lives would loonbe a prey to your cruelty. 22. And indeed if thefe Malignants had their wills, they would undo themfelves, and cut down thebough they Eland upon, anddefiroy the lit- tlehope and help that is yet left for their miferable fouls: It is for the fake of Gods fervants among them that judgements are fo long kept off them. And as long as the Gofpel and Minitiers remains, falvation is of- fered them : the voice of mercy is calling after them, Repent and live. They have the light thining in their eyes, which may at fall convince them, as Paul was convinced of his perfecntion: the voice which they defpife may poflibly awake them. Though they have lets hope then others s yet there is fome, Jut if they had their will, and were ridof the Mirnftry, alas what would the forlorn wretches do ? Then they might damn themfelves without difiurbance, and go quietly to hell, and no body tiop them, and fay, [Why eloyea Jo? 23. And I pray you confider whet it is that there men would have ? What if the Minitiers were all cati out ? would they have any to do Gods work in their ftead, or none ? If none, you may fee what they are doing : If any, Who, and where are they . Is it not horrible Pride if all there fil- ly fouls do think that they can do it better themfelves ? And what elfe do Quakers and all thefe fees that are the enemies of the Mlnitlry? Do they not go upand down the Land, and fay to the wifeti holyeft Teachers, as ifthey took them by the fleeve, [ Come down and let me preach that can do it better : Come down thou deceiver and ignorant man, and let me come upthat amwileer, and better, and known more: Out with theft proud Lordly. Preach- ers, and let us be your Teachers , that are more holy, and humble , andfill:- denying then they. ] Is not this the loud language of their aólions ? And can ypu not hear the Devil in thefe words of higheft Pride and Arrogáncy ? But really Sirs, do you think that thefe men would teach you better ? And is there enow that are wifer and better then we to fill upour rooms, if we wereout ? Dobut prove that, and you r thall have my content to ba- nith all the Minitlers in England to tome place that bath greater needof their labour, that they mayno moretrouble you that have no need of them, and keep out better. _ 24. LaIlly,