Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

470 Church Hiflory of Bifhnps, for themfelves and families , and fuch education for their children as is fittefi.. tomake them ferviceable to God. And I hope it is no fin to have mouths that muff be fed, or backs that mull be cloathed. What! mutt Gods Minifiers above all others be grudged food and rayment, and that of the Lords portion, which none of you pay for ? I fear not to imitate Paul floppingthe mouths of malicious accufers, and to tell you, that the Minifiers, whole expences I am acquainted with, do give Soo. pence, for 50. that they receive by gift from their people : and that they takeall that they have as Chrifis, and not their own, and if they have never fomuch they devote it wholly to him, and know he's not beholden to them for it : and Tome of them lay out in charitable ufes, much more then all the tithes that they receive for their - Miniflerial maintenance. And if the Q.,akers that accufe them of covetoufnefs, would cati up accounts with them, I doubt not but it will be found that they receive more by gift then Preachers, and give not the fourth part fo much when tJiey have done. 3. Another accufation is , that we preach falfe Dolirine, and deceive the people. Bnfw. Its eafie to fay fo of any man in the world: But when they come to prove it, you will fee who are the deceivers. 4. Another is, that we areperfecutors, and like the Prigs of old, and fo all the reproofs of them and the Pharifees belong to us. Anfiv. This is foort laid too : bu t where's the proof? For themfelves we have no mind to be troubled with them. Let them let us alone, as long as we will let them alone. Eut yet they (hall be taught one day to know, that if the"Ma- gifirate flop the mouthsof fuch railers and abufers of God and men, he dothno more perfecute them, then he perfecuteth a thief when hehangeth him ;.or then Paul perfecuted Hymeneus and Philetus when he delivered them up to Satan ; or Elymas, AEfr 13. r r. or then Peter perfecuted An- anias and Sapphira, Ads 5. or then God would have had the Churches be perfecutors againfi the woman Jezebel that was fuffered to teach and (educe the people, or againfi the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans whichGod hated, Rev. 2. 15, 20. If hindering fun, be perfecuting the calling of a Ma- gdlrate isto be a perfecutor, Rom. 13.4. and all parents mnft pefecute their own children. 5. Another accufation is, that we are againfl" the preachingof any but our [eelves. dn,fw. Who doth not defire that all the Lords people were Prophets? Butyet we know all are not Prophets, r Cor. 12 29. nor Teachers, We would have none of Gods gifts in our people buried, but all improved to the uttermofi for his glory. But we wouldnot have men turn Ordinary Teachers, thatare neither found, nor able, nor Cent ; nor every fell -con- ceitçd ignorant man, have leave to abufe the name and word of God, and the fouls ofmen. What would you have more then is granted 'you ? When any unordained man that is judged competent by the Commiflì- oners of Approbation (of whom force are Souldiers) may be a confiant 'preacher, and have fulleft maintenance, as well as Presbyters ? 6. Another