Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

and their Councils Abridged, 6. Another Charge is , that we are tome weak, and fore Amebic/es. Anfm. We do all that we are able to cafe out fuch; and I think never more was done.. TheMagifirate fets his Guard at the door, and lets in none but whomhe pleafe : and fure if heknew where to havebetter than thofe that are in, he would put them in, orelfe he is too blame : If he do not know will youblame him for using thebelt that he can get But if you will come and help us toearl out any that are vicious and unworthy, we will give you thanks. 7. Another Accufation is, that wedirer among our felves, and one faithone thing, and another another thing. Anfw. r. And are all there Sees that op- pofe us better agreed among themfelves ? Enquire and judge. 2. Do not all preachone Gofpel, and the fame Essentialsof theChristian Faith ? And we expect not perfeft Unity, till we have perfeft Knowledge and Holinefs ; which we dare not boaft of, whatever +,uakersdo. 8. Anbther Accufationis, that we are not true Miners.' And why fo? Becaufe we have not an uninterrupted fucce(lìon of lawful Ordination. Anfw. This Objection is the Papifts,-who have little reafon to ufe it,. while it isfo eale a matter to prove fo many interruptions of their Papal fuccef. lion. At largeand often have weanfwered them, and are lä11 ready tó deal withanyof them herein, and to prove; r. That an uninterrupted fucceili-' onof right. Ordination, is not of nece(lìty to the beingof the Miniflry.. 2. And if it were, we have more to thew for it than they. If others flick on this, let me tell them, that- Magiftracyis as truly from God as the Mini- ftry: And let ever a.King onEarth (hew me an uninterrupted fucceflìon giving him -Title to .hisCrown, and I will (hewhim.a more undoubted fuc. ceffìonor Title to my Minifiry. But here's no room to.difcufs this Oe- Ilion.. 9. Objeft. But you are Parifh Pries, andno true. Minflers, becaufyou have, not true Churches. Anfw. All the Christians in our.Parithes that content are our Flock.: And we undertake to prove the .truthof filch Churches, not- only againft fcorn, but against all the Argumentsthat can be brought. ro. Objeft. But. you have not the Spirit, and therefore are no true Miniffers. Anfw. And how proveyou thatwe havenot the Spirit ? The approvers ad- roit none but fuch as they think have the Spirit. -He- that is fanftified hath Spirit: Prove us unfanftified, and we will resign our Office. Ob jeét. You readyour Sermons out of a Paper ; therefore you have not the Spirit. AnJw. A firong Argument ! I pray you take (even years time to prove the consequence. As wifely do the Auakers argue, that becaufe we ufe Spefta- cles,orHour-glafses, andPulpits, we havenot the Spirit. It is not want of your abilities that makes Miniflers ufe Notes ; biit it's a regard to the `work;, and the goodof the Hearers. I ufe Notes as much asany man, when I take pains ; and as little as any. man when I am lacy, or buffe, and. have not leifure to prepare. -It's' eafier to us to preach three Sermons without' Notes, than one with them. Hé is a simple Preacher that is not able to preach all day without preparation, if.his ftrengthwould_ferve; efpecialiy if, he preachat your totes. - r i.Objefl. 471