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471 Church of`Bifnojrr r r, ObjeIt. But the trueMinifiry is perfecuted ; but fo are not you, but arePerfecutors of others. Anfw. r. For our perfecutingothers, be fomer- ciful as toprove it to us, that we may lament it. If punithing wicked men andSeducers be perfecuting, not only Paul was fuch, that wilhed they were cut off that troubled the Galatians but God himfelf would be the greatefi of all perfcutors, that will lay you in Hell without repentance, and then you will with your old perfecution again. And if we be not perfecuted, what means the reproachesof you and all the Drunkards and Malignan is about us ? But I pray you envy us not our lives and liberties, and a little breathing time. Do you not read that [The Churches had reff throughout all Judea, andGalilee, and Samaria, andwere edified, and walling in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghoff, were multiplied? Atïs 9.3z I Envy not a little profperity to the Church. Doth not Paul pray that the Gofpel may run and be glorified, and that we may be delivered from tonreafon- able wicked men, z ?Fief. 3. a. Sometimes you can fay that more glorious days are promifed, and that the Saints (hall rule the world. Unmerciful men ! It is buta while ago lince we had our lhare of fufferings ! Since that the Sword hath hunted after us ! Many of our Brethren are yet in America, that were driven thither : at this time inSpain, and Italy, andGermany, and Savoy : Alas, what do our Brethren fuller in the fame Caufe and Calling that we are in ! And doyou reproachus with our mercies, if we be out of the Furnace but a littlewhile, in one corner of the world? Objett. r z. You work, no Miracles to confirm your Dolirine. Anfw. It- is true nor do we need : It is confirmed by Miracles long ago. If we brought a newGofpel, or as the Papifis, gave you not our Doctrineon the credit of Scripture, but Scripture and all on our own credit, then you might jultly call for Miracles toprove it r But not when we have nothing to do but expound and apply a Doctrine fealed by Miracles already. Again, I fay, Let any Prince on Earth that queffionsour Calling; thew his Title to his Crown, or anyJudge or Magiffrate to his Office andif Ithem not as good a Title to mine, lit me be tapen for a Deceiver, and not a Minifier. Chrifüan Reader, as ever thouwouldefi be fanelifted, confirmed, and faved, hold fall to Chrift, Scripture,Miniflry, and Spirit, and that in the Church and Communion of Saints, and abhor the thoughts of feparating them from eachother.