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and their Councils Abridged. 46S A frond Sheet for the MINISTRI"; ytr iifying our Calling again)Quakers, Seekers, andPapifts, and all that deny us to he the Minders ofCbrif. THe corruption of the Romifh Church being molt in the Errours and Vicesof the Priefis, which made men abhor theoffering of the Lord (z Sam. 2. 17.) the reproach which they brought upon themfelves, did much prepare men to hearken to the Reformers : The obferving of this, andof the neceffarydependance of the peopleon their Patlors, hath caufed the Papífts to bend their force againft the Minifers of the Reformed Churches, and toufeall theirwit todefame their Perlonsand Callings,and make them feetn ignorant, unworthy, Or no Miní.(lers to the people. On this Errand they fend abroad their Agents ; this is thePaving Gofpel that the Seekers, Q!akers, and their Brethren preaeh ; t iatthe Scripture is not the Gofpel, or Word ofGod, and that we Ire no true M"'lifters. Whatever Doctrinewe are preaching, the Oppofcrswork is tocall s Deceivers , and ask, How we prove our Gives true Minifers ? My wor thereforeat this time, for the fake of the ignorant in our A1temblies, all be to acquaint them with our anfwer to this demand. And I (hall give it you in order, in certain Propolitions. Prop. z. Bothin the Old and New Teffament there is mentionof two diffinëí fort of Unifiers of Gods appointment. Firft, fuch as received fomenew Reve- lation (either a Law, or a particular Menage) immediately from God; fo that the people could not be fore that their Doctrine was true, till they were lure that the men were tent of God. Thefewere called Prophets in the Old Teflament, and Apoffles, Prophets, &c. in the New. So Moles received the LawfromGod ; and the following Prophets their particular Meffages. So theApofiles received the Gofpel fromChrift; and fo did the Seventy, and other Difciples that convey edwithhim ; andother Prophets and Evange- lifts had it by immediate in piration. All thefe were neceffarily by Mira- cles, or force Infallible tdence to prove their own Call, before the Hear- ers could receive their Doctrine : for this was their Meffage ; [The Lord bath commanded me to fay thus or thus to you] or [The word which the Lord fake to me is thusor thus] This fort of Minifters the Papifts and Seekers docoafefs. But befides thefe, there is a feeond fort of true Minihers, whole Office is not to receive fromGod any new Doétrine, Law, or Mellage; but to pro- dais-the Lawsalready delivered, and teachmen the Dolïrinealready revealed, and to/overfee and govern the Churches of ChriJ1-according tohis Laws, and to go before the peoplein the worfhip of God : The Prophets and Apohles did both there; both reveal theDoctrine which they received. from Chrifi, and teach and guide the Church by it H hen they had dote; but the latter fort of Minihersdo but the latter fort of the work. The Papihs andSeekers P p p cheat