474 Church-Hifior,y of -Bi,/hops cheat men by jumbling all together, as if there were noMinifters of Gyodds appointment, but thofeof the former fort ; and therefore they call for Ivli- racles to prove our Minifiry. I'iere therefore I (hall firfi prove, that the fe- Bond fart of Minifiers areof Gods Inftitution. 2.. That fuch need-not prove their Callingby Miracles, though yet God mayworkMiracles by them If he pleafe. 3. That we are true Minders of Chrift, of this fort, r. Chrift found fuch Minifiers under the Law, that were to teach- and ruleby the Lawbefore received, and not to receive new Lawsor Mail-ages ; h mean the ordinary Prieffs. and Levites:; as diftinguithed from Prophets. Thefe Priefis were tokeep the Law, and teach it the people, and the people were to feek it at their mouth, and by itsthey were to judge mensCaufes : and allo they were to hand between the people and God in publick wor- Ihip, as is expreft,Deur:31.26. Joih.23.6. Neh.8.r,2,3,8,r8. &9.3. Ludt. r .&2. & 4. & 5. & 7. & 13:& t 4. throughout, Nuns. 5. & 6. Deut. r7. 12. Mal. 2.7. f er. t8.18. The Prophet had Vifions ; but the Prie(t had the Law, Ezek7.26.Ifa.8.16,20. Hag. 2. r I, 12. Num. 1.5o I Chron. 9.26. & 16:4. 2 Chron r9. r r. & 20.19. & 30.17, 2z. He was called, A Teaching Prie(t, 2Chron. 15. 3, Lev. ro. 20,21. Deut.24,8. 2 Chron, 17.7.9. Ezek 44.23. 2Chron.35.3.. And Chrift hitnfelf fends the cleanfed to the Prieft, and commandeth them to hear tha Pharifes that fat in Mofes Chair, though they were no Prophets : fo that betides the Prophets that had their meffagye im- mediately from God, therewere Priefis that were called the Minersof the Lord, Joel 1,9.2. r7. and Levites that were hot to bringnowRevelations, but to teach, and rule, andwar/hip him according to the old. For Mofes ofol, time bath in every City them thatpreach him, being read in the Synagogues every Sabbath day, Acts 15.21. The Jews rejc6ted Chrill becaufe they knew him not; nor thevoice of the Prophets which are read every Sabbathday, Acts 13.27. And even unto this day, when Mofes is read, the Vail is on their heart, z Cor. 3. i5. And they that wouldnot believeMofes, and the Prophets (thus read and preached) neither will they beperfwaded, thoughone rofe from the dead, Luke 16. 29,31 2. Andas Priefis and Levites were diftinét from Prophets beforeChrift, fo Chrift appointed befidesthe Apo(tles and Prophetical Revealers of his Gofpel, a fianding fort of Minifters, to r. Teach, 2. Rule, 3. And worfhip according to the Gofpel which the formerhad revealed, and attefled, and proved to the world. Thefe were called Overfeers, orBifhops, Presbyters, or Elders, Pattersand Teachers; and alfo the Deaconswere joyned to aflift them, Aüs.r4. 23. They ordained them Elders (not Prophets or Apoltles)in every. Church, Tit. r. 5. Titus was to ordain Elders in every City: "Timothy hath full dire6tion forthe ordainingofBithops, or Elders and Deacons, r Tim. 3. That their work was not to bring newDoctrine, but to teach, rule, and 'worthip according to that received, I now prove, .2 Tim. 2.2. The things that thou haft heardofmeamong many witnefes, thefame commit thou-to-faithful men, who (hall be able to teach others alfa] Mark, that its the fame, and not a, newDodtrine.; andthat asbeard from Paul among, manywitnefr, andjnoo as