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and their Council, Abridged, 4"S as received immediately from God : and others were thus to receive it dawn fromTimothy. And v. r 5 Study to Pew thy felf approved unto God, a workman that needetb not be aJhained, rightly dividing the word of truth.] It is not to bring newTruths, but rightly to divide the old. And zTim. 1. 13. ,Holdfall theformof words which thouhaft heardof me (not which thouhadlì immediately fromGod) in faith and love which is in Cbrift Jefus ; that good thingwhich was committed unto thee, keep, by the HolyGboft which dznelleth in us. The Holy Ghofl is tohelp us in keeping that which is committed to us, and not to reveal more, 2 Tim. 6. 13, 14. [I give thee charge in the fight of God, that thou keep this Commandment without fpot , unrebrekable, tits the ap paring of our Lord Defies Chrift. There was a formof Dol7rine delivered to the Church of Rome, Rom. 6.17. And 1 Tim. 5.17. The Elders that rule well are worthy of double honour , efpecially they that labour in the Word and Dot'rine. You fee their work was to rule and labour in the word and Doffrine, i Tim. 4. 13, 14,15, 16. Till come, give attendance to Reading, to Exhor- tation, to Dotirine ; meditate upon thefe things : give thy Pelfwholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all: Take heed unto thy felf, and unto the Do- ctrine: continue in them ; for in doing this, thou (halt both fave thy fiefand them that hear thee.] a Tim. 5.6. [If thou put the brethren in remembranceof theft things, thou (halt be a good Mini(ter of Jefus Chrift, nouriifhed up in the words of faith, and of gooddolïrine, whereunto thou haft attained.] Mark here the de- fcription ofa good Minifier of Chrift ; one that's nourifhed up in the words of faith, and good docîrine, (which is theufe of Schools and Univerfities) and havingattained it, makes it his work to teach it, and put others in re- membrance of it, Tit. 1.7, 9, to, a 1. For a Bifbop mutt be blamelefs, as the Steward of God---holding Aft the faithful, word ashe bath been taught, (mark that) that he may be able by found doêirine, both toexhort and convince the gain- fayers-: For there are many unruly andvain talkers and deceivers, whole mouths muft be flopped, whoJubvert whole boufes, teaching things which they ought not, &c.] So a Tim. 3. r , 5. The Office of a Bifhop is to ruleand take care of the Church-of God : ] To take heed to themfelves, and to all the Flock, - and feed the Churchof God; and to watch hereunto, according to the wordof Gods grace, which is fully and wholly delivered by his Apoftles, and is able to build us up, andgive us an inheritance among the fantìified: as Ali. 20.28, 20, 27, 35,32. r The.f. 5. r 2, 13. We befiecb you brethren toknow them which labour a- mong you, and are over you in the Lord, and adman you (thisis their Office) and to efteem them Doryhighly in love for their works fàke (and not revile them asthe fervants of Satan do) and be at peace among your (elves, Hcb.13.7, 17, 24. Remember themwhich have the rule over you, which have fpoken to you theword ofGod : Obey them that bave the rule over you, and fubmit your felves, for they watchforyour fous, as they that mutt give account, that they may do it with joy, andnot with grief: for that is unprofitablefor you. Salute all them that have the Rule over you : The Elders of the Church are to pray with , and for the _rick, Jam. 5.14. Theymuff feed the Flock of God among th:m, tai king the overjight of it, a Pet. 5. 1, 2. Thus you fee their Officeandwork. Ppp a a. And