468 Cburch.- Hiflory of .rßiJhops 2. And that theywere not to bring any new Doarine, further appears, in that they have a-charge to Preach no other doêlrine, I' Tim, a. 3. Nor to be toped as children withevery windof do trine; Eph.4.14..Nor carried about with _divers and f range doUïrines, Ed). 13. 9. 3. Yea, if any man bring not the do rine afCbrif, we mug not receivehim into ourhoufes, or bid him God feed, left we be partakers of hit evil deeds, for he that abidetb not in this doílrinebath not God, 2. John 9. Io, I L Gal. r. 8i9 [Though we or an Angel front heaven, preach any other Gofpel to you, then that which we have preached unto-you, let him be accurfed. As we Paid before, fa fay flaw again : Ifany 'man preach any other. Goj el to you then that ye have received, let him be accurfed. ] And Ram.16. 07,15. Now Ibefiechyou Brethren, mark themwhich caufe divifions_ And offences, contrary to the Marine whichye have learned, and avoid them] z Tim.6.3. Ifany man teach othermife, andcon- tent not to whalfoene words, the wordsof our Lord Jefus Chrif and to the Da.. ¿Irine which is according to Godlinefs, he is proud, 'vowing nothing, but Boat- ing: ---- ]' 4. And if all Miniflers mutt be receivers ofnew Dodrints, the Church would never know when it bath-all, but wouldbe fill obeying an imperfect Law. 5, And it would be an opprefion to the Church inftead of a Dire- ¿'lion, to be fo overwhelmed with new Doé}rines and Precepts. 6. And it would accufe Chrif, the Lawgiver, of fuch mutability, as wife Princes are not guiltyof to be fill changing or adding to his Laws, 7. There way great occafion forthe New Tefawent or Gofpel, upon the great workof our Redemption : but there is no fuchcaufe for alterations lince. 8. The Priefsbefore Chrift werenot to receive new Laws, as is (aid. 9. The. Com- panionsof the Apoliles that wrought Miracles; had not all new Revelati- ons ; but did it to feat up this Gofpel. Io. What need we more then a6l'ual experience, that God Both'not give New Revelations to the world, and . none lince the Scripture times, have fealed any other by Miracles. And thus I have proved to you the two forts ofMinifers : as Paul plain- ly dillinguilheth them, I Cot.3.Io,I 1,I2. Eph 2.20. There are Planters and Waterers, Maierbuilders that lay the foundation, and others that build thereon: Other foundation can no man lay then that which is laid,: but every man that. buildeth bay or fable and lofeth his work, doth not nullitie the Minifiry. We are built on_t&efoundation of theApof}les and Prophets, jefus Chrif being the, head corner-flame: but we are not built on the foundation of every Pa- for, Teacher, Elder, Bithop or Deacon : Thoughboth in their places (A- potties, Prophets, Evangelifs, Parlors and Teachers) are given for the per- feeling of the Saints, for thework of the Miniffry, for the Edifying of the body of Chrif, Eph.4.17, 02. That we might be oneunited Body, having one fixed feanding doarine, ver -. 1.4, 15, z6. And how (hall voe efcapeif weneglelt f great falvation ; which at the frf began to be f oken by the Lard, and was con- firmeduntous -by them that beard him : (mark whence the Church receiveth it) God alfo bearing them witnefs ( but not every Elder or Teacher) both withfrgns and wonders, andwith divers Miracles, andgifts of the Hòly Gbof. eeccording to-his own will, Heb. 2, 3, 4, Prop, 2. And