and their Councils Abridged. 469 Prop. z: And now that theft later Miniffersneed not prove their calling by Mi- racles, I prove thus : r. God never impofed fucha task upon them, nor commanded the people to require fuch a proof, and not to believe any but worker of Miracles. 2. God gave not all the gift of Miracles, that were employed in hiswork even in the Apoftles daies Are IIworkers ofMiracles? faith Paul; fome had by the Spirit, the wordofwifedom, andof knowledge, andothers Tongues, and others Interpretation , and others Miracles, r Cor. 12.29i7,8,9,lo. 3. They that have the,lgoly Ghoft are owned by Christ; and fohave many without working. Miracles. See Rom.8,9. r Cor.12.3. Gal. 5. 18,27,23,24.1 Cor.6.u. Eph.3.16.& 5.9,18. I.Pet.I.2,22. Kom.I5.r3, 16. Tit.3.5. 4. The Lawof Mofes was kept and taught by Priellsand Levites that wrought not Miracles. 5. If the Laws of all Nations tray be kept with' out Miracles, fo may the Lawsof Christ. 6. If humane writings are kept without Miracles, (as Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Cicero, Livy, &c.) 'fo may the Laws of God much more, as being the daily fubje&of the belief, medita- tion, conference, preaching,controverfies, devotions ofChrillians through the world, and tranflated into fomany Tongues. 7. There is nothing in the Nature of the thing that requireth ordinary Miracles. Cannot men fitfficiently prove without Miracles, that there have been filch men as Ce. far, Pompey, Ariffotle, or which beCalvins or Bellarmines writings, &c. Much more evidently may they prove what doftrine is effential to Chriflianity, and the Scripture that contains the whole. 8. Elfe Parents could not teach their children, nor bring them-up in the Nurture and adm9nition of the Lord, Eph.6.4. Nor teach them with Timothy, from a child to know the Scriptures, which are able to make men wife to falv.ztion through faith in CbriO, 2 Titn.3. 15. Mull noParents teach their Children to know Chrill, but fuch as can work Miracles ? 9. The Doarine which we preach isfully confirmed by Miracles already, by Chrifi and his Apoflles : There needs no greater then Chriftsown Refurreftion, nor morethen weredone, which Univerfal un- queflionable History and Tradition hath brought down to our hands. .lo. It is a ridiculous expeftation , that every person fhould fee the Miracles before they do believe. Then ifChrifi had done Miraclesbefore all Jerufalem, Cave one man , that one man fhould not be bound to believe : Or if I could do miracles in this Town or. Country, none mutt believe me ever the more but thofe that fee it. And fo you may as well fay, I fhould not believe that there isany Seaor Land, City or Kingdom, France, Spain, Rome, &c. but what I fee. Are thefe men worthy tobe talkt with? that believe no body, .. and confefs themfelves filch Lyars that they would have no body believe.- them. It was not all that faw Cdriffs Miracles or Refierieelion, or the Apoflles- miracles! It feems the reft were not bound to be Christians ? Even as Clem :. ld°riter-told me, that no man is bound to believe thatChri(f did Rife again, or the reft of .Chrr(fianity , that (eeth not Miracles him(elf to prove it : adding; withal], that iuteedAntiehriff maydo Miracles ; and fait -feems -for all the.ta :k,. miracles then-delves would nor ferve of they -law them. 1 r. Is it not toput a (cornon Gad Almighty, to la) that the Gloryofall his moil miraculous works