478 Church. Hi11ory of Bi/hops, works fhould be buried to all that law them not ; and that Parents fhould not tell them to their Children, or Children thouldnot believe them if they do ? i t. Its injurious to Poflerity, that the knowledge ofthe molt won- derfül works of God fhall be only for the good of them that fee them and that all ages after fhall benever the better. 13. It tends to makemen mad and as Idcots, that mull know and believeno more then theyfee: what kind of folks muff thele be, that know not that there is either Prince or Parliament, ( ity or Countrey, or any folks in the world but thofe they have fern ? This will (land with trading , convenfe, Subjeélion, Socie ties ; and its doubtful whether fuch are capable of managing effaces; or Mould not be put under others as Ideots ? r4. Children cannot learn to read nor {peakwithout fome kindof belief of them that teach them: nor can they obey their parents nor learn any trade, nor obey Phyfitians : fo thatthis conceit of incredulity isagainfl the Nature, livelihood, and lifeof man. 15. And they would tie God to beat the beckofevery unreafonable Infidel ; that (hall fay, [hough allthe Town have fen thy Miracles, yet 'will fee my felf, or elfe Iwill riot believe.] 16. They expeél that God fhould overturn the courfe of Nature : for if Miracles be as ordinary as the operations of Nature , they are confounded. 17. And by this they would trots themlelves , and make Miracles uneffec`Iual : For if they were ordinary ; few would be moved by them as any proof of a Divine Te(fimony : were it as ordinary for the Sun to gobackward as forward, who 'would take it fora Miracle ? To thisClem : Writer anfwers me, that [Miracles were convincing in the firff Age when they were common ] dnfw. How com- mon ? Not as natural operations : Not foas for all Countreys or perfons to fee them; 500 lawChrift at once after his Refurredion : 5000. were once miraculoufly fed : but as thiswas not every days work, fo what was thisto others ? And in that itwas but for an age, and rarely in after ages, -thews that they were (not for every mans eyes. '18. What need we more proof then aetual experience, that God doth not often now work miracles ! And he thatfaith the Gofpel, and Chriflian faith, and Church, and Miniflry are therefore ceafed, its like will not take it ill to be taken himfelf for an Heathen or Infidel. 19. And we have experience of millions that íh11 do adtually and fiedfaffly believe in Chrift without Miracles: andmany have laiddown their lives on that belief: therefore without miracles men may believe. But to this Clem: Writer faith tome, [There believers ofallfarts con- demn each other as Hereticks.1 Anfw. But not as Infidels. None but the ig- norant or paffionate condemn all other forts as Hereticks. The fobèr do not. And it is not enough toprove youa bollard, ifan angry Brother call you fo. 2o. Becaufe this fheet alloweth me notroom, I intreat theReadr to Ferule ttiefeTexts, which tell him aloud that the word and works of God muff be believedby Tradition, though withoutMiracles, Exod. so. 1, 2. & 1 2.14,17,26.27.42. Deut. 11.2. to the 22. & 29.22. to28. JeJh.4.6, 7. &22 2141. to 32. Pfalm. 48.13. & 78.1.top. & 102.18. & 145.4. & 89.r. Joel. 1.2, 3,4. 41ía 1.8.& 2.32. & 5.30,3x, 32 &1o.38.to42. & 13. 30,