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and their Councils abridged. 3e, 31. & I.22. & 4.33. & 22.15.&26.15.&23.I1 . 2 Ì7ím.2.2. Jphn 20. 29&I9,35 &15.27.&12.17. & 5.33. &1.15,32,34 Luke 4.22.. I Pet. 5.1. And that you would read myDetermination of this very Que- Ilion, in my Book againfi Infidelity : I proceed to the next. Propofition 3. This ordinary. Minifiry for teaching, ruling, and publick wor- !hip, was ordained by Chrift to continue till his coming, and dothyet continue; and did not ceafe when the extraordinary Miniftry ceafed. I prove it , Mattli. 16r 18. Vpon this Rockwill I build myChurch, and the Garet of Hellfhall not prevail againftit. ] The Churchnever did nor can fubfift without its Offi- cers, who are anEfiential part of it, as it is a Political Body, and the firft and moll eminent part, as it is a Community. And therefore if the Minifiry be extinét, the Gates of Hell baveprevailed againfi the Church: And then Chrift is overcome, or bath broke his promife , and then he were not Chrifi : So that if Chrift be Chrift, the Church and Miniftry continue. So Luke 1.33. He fhall reign over the Houfi of Jacob for ;ever, and of his King- dome there (hall be no end, I fa. 9. 6, 7. Or the encreafe of his government and peace there fhall be no end, Pfalm 145. 13. Thy Ringdome is an everlaffingKing_ dome, and thy Dominion endureth throughout all Generations. Chrift ruleth bye his Officers in his Church if Churchor Minifiry had an end, his Kingdome had an end, andhe reigned not for ever, Math. 28 ao. Loe, I amwith you . alway, even to the endof the world. To this exprefs promife, Clem. Writer bath no wifer an anfwer, but that, [it is conditional. If they teach men to ob- ferveall things that Chrift bath commanded, then hewill be with them, elf' not.] Repl. This,is your forgery : here is no fuch words, but an abfolute promife. His being with them, is to fupport and help them in his work : And `will you feign Chrift to promife them help on condition they do it without ? The further Cavils againfl this Text and others, the London Minitlers in their Vindication have anfwered at large, Eph. s}. I I, 12, '13. The Paf ens and Teachers are given to the Church for the perfe&ling of the Saints for the work of the Minifiry, for the edifying of the body of Chrift, till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledgeof theSon of God to a perfeil man, &c.] Ex- traordinary and ordinaryOfficers are here conjoyned, who between them are to perfe& the building, the firft laying the foundation, and the others building thereon,- I Tim. 6. 13, 14. I give thee charge in the fight of God.--. that thou keep this Commandment without fpot, unreboekable, unto the appearing of ow Lord 3eftes Chriff ] which muff 'needs extend to his Succeflòrs. The faithful andwife Stewards that give the children their meat in duefeafon, will be found fodoing by she Lord at his coming, Luke 12. 42, 43.. And it is not till the kit day that Chrift will give up the Ringdome to the Father, r Cor. 15. 25.; 2. The Apoftles acStuallyfetled an ordinary Minitiry in their time, as is pro- ved. 3. There areCommands for fetlingSucceffors of thefe, as 2 rim. 2.2. Tít, 1. 5. as is proved.` 4. Thefe Minifters are defcribed, and the way of their Ordination fetled by Canons, I Tim, 3. Tit. 1. 5. We find the feveral Angels of the Churches in their places, Revel. 2. et 3. and proaúfes to fame of them for the future, with :a Command (Holdfait till I come, 2.23.] and 3. Id.. 479