Churchf-hf{ory ofBifñojrs 3. °i o. [I will keep theefrom the hour of temptation which Jhall come on all the world: Behold, I come quickly.] 6. Chriß bath commanded the Minifterial wok, tocontinue to the end : As the Preachingof the Wordmuß be toall Na- tions,and every Creature, Matth.z8.r9. And thefe tnoft cru- el men would have all the Preachers give over their work, and leave the world to perilh in Infidelity.. So for the affcnebling of our felver together, and exhortingone another, we are commanded not to forfeke it, as is the manner offame ; and fo much the more, as we fee the day approaching, Heb. so. 23, 24., 25. So that the nearer we are to Chriascoming, the doter muß we hick to Church-Communion, and holyAlTemblies ; confdering, that its but a little while, and he that comeswill come, and/hall not tarry, ver.37, God doth on purpofe forbear his coming, becaufehe is longfufering, and will continue themeans to call men to repentance, and then the day of the Lordwill come fuddenly, z Pet. 3.9, so. [The Word of the Lord endureth for ever and this is the word whichby the Gofpel is preached tó you, a Per. I. 5. The Lords Sup- per is Inßituted tobe ufed to/hew the Lords death till he come, z Cor. i i. 26. Church-government or Difcipline is a fixed Ordinance, Mat. 18. r 5, 16,17. And if the work continue, the workmen muff continue. 7. The mercy of God, and the Efficacy of Chrifis Blood, and the neceflities of the Church continue : we ßi11 need a Teaching Miniftry, Heb. 5. a r. and for our need it is Inßituted till the Church be perfc/t, that we benot as children tofs'd up and down, Eph. 4. i3, i4. What enemies to us, and to the love and mercy of God are they that would perfwade men, that he fo quickly withdrew fo great amercy, when the gifts and calling of God are without repentance ? 8. The Law and its Prieflhood was not removed but by the glory of abet- ter Lawand Minifiry: And Chriß is the Mediator of a better Covenant and Promifes, Heb. 7. 22. & 8. 7, 8. Therefore he will not deal fomuch worfe. 9. Chriß telleth us that a wife thanwill confider whether hecan gothrough with, it, before he buildor makeWar: Therefore he would not himfelf be- gin to build his Church, and enter himfelf the Captain of our Salvation, and prefentlyìet his Enterprize fall. so. If the Miniftry continue not, then theChurch continueth not s for as theHead, Liver, and Stomack, or Lungs areto theBody, fo is the Miniftry to the Church, z Cor. 12.13, 19, 20, 28, 29. Theyplant and waterit, i Cor. 3. 6. and build it, ver. io. For bow Jhall we believe onhimof whom we have not heard? and how Jhall we hear without a Preacher ? and bap /hall they preach unlef they be feat ? Rom. i o. 14. But the Church doth continue : for firß, elfe Chriß were no longer theHead gfit, the Icing, Prophet,or Prie(t, and fo not Chriß: But he is a Prieji for e- ver, abiding continually': he continuethever, and bath an unchangeable Prielibood he ever liveth to make interceftion for thofe that come to God by him, Heb. 7.3. 22 24, 25. 2. Thole that deny the Church, mull needs deny thetr,fclves Chriftians and Members of that Church. 3. There is no Salvation promifed but to the Church, Eph. 5, 23, 25, 26, 27. Marki6'. i6. 4. Blindnefs is an the Jews but till thefulnefof the Gentiles be come in, and foall Ifrael Jhall be fazed : Therefore it is molt evident that the Gentile Church thall not ceafe till