-----------'-- and their Councils Abridged, 48E till the fulftefs have prepared for the re-ingraffing of the Jews, Rom. r r. 25,26. 5. It is an everlaffingKingdome, which cannot be moved. and the City of the living God, the heavenly jerufalem, whereof even the 4ngels and perfeeled Spirits of the lull area part, towhich we come by Faith : therefore it ceafeth not, Heb. 12. 22, 23, 28. 6. When that which is perfect is come, thin that which is in part !hall he done away,: r Cor.r3 lo. but not before. 7. If nothing can feparate us from the love of God, no not any difirefsor tribula- tion, then are not all the Minitiersand Church cut off, Ram. 8. 34.. to 39. Yea, thofe that in all Ages fuller for hisfake, arenot cutoff from him ; but fo many faithful Minitiers do. 8. But what firould I fay any more againf that Affertion which carrieth fork Heathenifm or Infidelity in its Fore- head, reproaching Chrift as no (brill, and teaching men that'tliey are not bound to be Chrillians, and believe the Gofpel, and perfwading the world to defpife Chritls Meffengers and Ordinances; and Minitters to caft off their Matters work; which in two words is, to turn Infidels, or Apo-. Elates. I mull refer you for my fuller anfwerto fuch men, to my Book a- gainft Infidelity. Prop. 4. God bath in his Lam appointed a /landing way for the calling of theft ordinary Teaching, Ruling, worfhipping Miniffers, in all Ages ; and doth imnfelf call them in this way. r. He inftituteth the Office. a. He command eth that fit perlons be ordained to this Office. 3. He defcribeth them by their neceffary Qualifications.- All this is at large, r Tim. 3. Tit. r. A11.ao. 1 Pet.5.&'c. This is hiswork by his ¡landing Law : By which alfl he corn- mandeth the people to chufe, content to, or accept the fit, and tohear and obey them, Att. 14.23. 2 Thef. 5. 12. Act. 6. 3, 5. Heb.13. 7, 17. And then byProvidence, z:He giveth them thofe gifts of the Spirit that may com- petently qualifie them for their Office. 2. He afTrfteth the Chufers and Or- dainers to difcern thofe Qualifications, and do their duties. -3.Hecaufeth force fpecial fitnefsof a Minifter to the fpecial Province or Charge which he is toundertake, andfpecial inviting occafions and opportunities, and oft- times ceafeth Neceflity to make the choice. 4. He bowed: the heart of the perforicalled to content, and ufually todelire the work (for the right ends.) 5. And if hebe called to be thePaflor of aparticular Church, he moveth the people to content or accept him, And thus Godfaccording to his ap- pointed Order doth call his Minifiers: Beides which, he afterward r.Helps them- in his work: 2. And procureth them liberty, and often fur- therance from Chriftian Magifirates. 3. Andgiveth them fuccefs. Propolition 5. The faithful Paffors of the Reformed Churches, are there ors dinary Miniffers ofChriff, approved by him, and given in great mercy to his peo- ple, who are bound to know . honour, and obey them in the Lord. I exclude not all others, but I now prove that theft are trae Minifferr. Argument r. They that have all that is erential to true Miniffers are true Mi- niffers : But fuel, are there Paffors of the Reformed Churches ; as I prove thus r If the Office it felt be of Gods Inftitution, and their Qualifications compe- tent, and their entrance right in eyery point of flat Neceflity, then they Q q q have