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and their Councils- Abridged. Argument 2. 7hofe.that have not only the Eff-entials, but excel all otherMi. ,zj/erson Earth (that are known to the world) are certainly the true Miniflers ofChriff. But fuch are the Miniflers before-mentioned of the Reformed Churches Ergo. This will be proved at once with the next, which is,. Argument 3 Either thefe Paffors of the Reformed Churches are the true Mi- niflers ofChriff, or elf , there arenone fuch vifible in the world : But there are fuch vifibly and certainly in the world, as was proved ; elfe there is no Church, no Ordinances, no Chriflianity, no Chrift : For he can be no King without SubjeCts and Laws no Mailer without a School and Scholars ; no Phyfi. tian without Patients ; no Husband without his Spoufe no Head with- out aBody; no Interceffor without a Church to intercede for. And to be-. lieve the holyCatholick Church, and the Communionof Saints, is part of ourBe- lief; and therefore the ChriflianFaith is gone, if thefe be gone : And that either we, orNone are Chrifls true Miniflers, I prove thus:, s. We challenge the Adverfaryto nameus the true Church and Miniftry ; if thefebe none of them, where be they, and who are they ? fpeakout, or give up your wicked Caufe. If youknownot who theybe, or where, then how know you that there are any fuch ? True Miniflers are like a light that fbineth to all the haute, even the lights of the world, and like a City on a Hill that cannot be hid, Mat.5.14,x5,s6. a. But let us try the particulars: o. The Seekers have no Church or Minifiry. 2. The guakers have no Ordination, that weknowof, and are every way fo unworthy, and had no being in the world till a few years ago, that he is eitherno Chtiffian, or of a crazed brain, that thinks Chrifl hath no Church or Miniflry but them. 3. The Anabaptiffs, Secinians, Swenlfeldians, Familifis, Paracelfaans, Weigelians, and fuch like, have no more to thew for their Miniftry and Churches than we, but their Errours; and are fo few, and fo lately fprung up, that of them alfo I may fay, that he that takes them for the only Church, or Miniflers, is either out of the Faith, or much out of his wits. 4. The Eafern and Southern Churches have no more to Phew for their Miniltry and Churches than we; but are incom- parably more ignorant, and erroneous : few of them doing more than read their Liturgies and Homilies, and fo adminifler the Sacraments. 5. All the Controverfie therefore lieth betweenus and the Papifls; either they are true Miniflers, anda Church,or not ; if not, then its left to us : if they are, then we are fo much more; fir we have much more unqueftionable Evidence of our Title. r.The Office of a Teaching, ¿Guiding, Worfhipping Presby- ter whichwe are in, is beyond all queflion, and yielacd by themfelves to be ofDivineInftitution. But the office of a Mafs-Prieft, to make aGod of a pieceofBread, and turn Bread into Fleth, fo that there (hall be 'quantity, colour, tafle, &c. without bread, orany fubjeó ; and a mans eyes, tafle, or feeling, !hall not know that its bread or wine, when we fee, tafle, and feel it ; asalto to celebrate publickworthip in an unknown tongue ; this office is more queflionable than outs. a.It remaineth a great doubt, whether the Pope be not the Antichrift: but of our Miniltry there's no fuch doubt. 3. For Knowledge, Godlinefs and Utterance, and all true Miniferiai abili- q 2 ties,