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484 Ourch-Hif>}ory of BOopa ties, as its well known what an ignorant Rabble their common Ic ular Mafe Neils are ; fo thofe Military Fryars and Jefuites that are chofen of purpofe to play their Game among us, and credit their Caule, if they have any relicks of truth or modefty, will confefs, that the generality of our Miniflers are much beyond theirs for Parts and Piety ; or at leal, that we cannot be denied tobe true Miniflers for want of neceffary abilities : We shouldxejoyce if their Minifers, Priefis or Jefuites were near of fuchPiety as thofe of the Reformed Churches. Some oftheir Jefuites and Fryars are learned men ; in which alto we have thofe that equal the heft of them: but for the learning, ability, or Pietyof the common Miniflers on both fides, there is no comparifon to be made. 4. All the quedion then is of the way of _ entrance : And there r.The Papifis feek not the Peoples confent fo much as we do. a. They defpife the Magifirates confine , in comparifon of us. 3. And for Ordination, which is it thatall the flrefs mull be laid on, we have. it, and nearer the Rule of God than they. Are they ordained with Fading, Prayer, and Impofitionof Hands ? fo are we. Muli it be by oneof a Superiour Order ? Who then thall Ordain or Confecrate the Pope ? And yeta multitudeof our Miniflersare ordained by Bithops, ifthat be neceffa- ry : But the great Objection is, that we have not an uninterrupted fuccejpon from the Apofles, and fo thofe that ordained us had no power ; and there- fore could not give it to us. Propofition 6. Thewant of an uninterruptedfieccefon, and fo of Power in the Ordainers, doth not difable our Title to the Minifiry, or fit us in a worfi condition than the Papifis. For if it be only the fucceffion ofpoffefon of the Office; there is no man of brains can deny, but we have an uninterrupted fue- ceffion down from the Apojiles. But if it be a fuecefon of Right Ordination that is qucflioned, a. The Papifis have none fuch themfelves. 2. We have more of it than they. 3. It is not neceffary that this be uninterrupted. AH thofe I prove: x. The Popesthemfelves, from whom their power flows, have beenHereticks, denied the Immortality of the Soul, Whoremongers, Sodomites, Simonifis, Murderersi fo that for many of them fucceffively, the Papifisconfèfs they were Apoflatical, and. not Apoílolical. See in their own Writers the Livesof. Sylveff. 2. Alexand, 3. & 6. John13. äc 22. & 23. Greg. 7. Vrban 7. and abundance more, lob. 13. was proved in Council to have ravifhed Maids and Wives at the Apoflolick doors. murdered many, drunk to the Devil, askt helpat Dice of Jupiter and Venus, and waskink! in the ace of Adultery. Read the proofs in my Book againfi Popery, pag. s 6g,. 270, 255, roi. TheCouncil at Pife depofed twoPopesatonce, called them Hereticks departed from the Faith. The Council. at Confiance depofed job. 23. as holding that there was no Eternal Life, Immortality of the Soul, orRe furreflion :. TheCouncil at Bafl depofed Eugenius 4. as a Simon; and per- jured wretch, a Schifmatick, andobfiinateHereticlt; Now theft men are un- capable of theMiuiliry, as an Infidel is, for want of Effenríal täalitìcati ons : As.Copper- is no currant Coyn, though the dampof the Ptince againf his will be put upon_ir: Undifpofed matter cannot rec:ive-the form: A fit man,