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and their Councils Abridged. Prince can plead anuninterrupted fuccefiion thence;' and if they may Reign without it, wemay be Paflorswithout it : and yet Icannot fay that we are without it, though Princes be. Kings were formerly anointed by infpired Prophets, and were Prophets themfelves: And as the continuanceof this is not neceffary to them, fo neither to us. The differences between their power and ours, makes nothing againfl this Argument : If Couqueft, or the peoples confent, or Birth, or direning Providences canprove their Title, then Confeat, Ordination, Providence, with due gifalifications, will fore prove ours : were it not for fear, they fnould loon hear the Arguments more let homeagainil themfelves, that are now bent againft the Miniflers. Argument 6. If befides all this God own us by fucka biding on our labours, that he make, us the means of propagating and continuing his Gofpel and Church, and brings moll of his chofen to 'Union withChrifC, Reconciliation, Ho- liners, and to Heaven by our Miniflry, then certainly we are hit true Miniflers: But experience affurethus of the former : therefore--fo muchfor Argument. Propofition 9. If a Minifler be in quiet pofefon of the place, and fit for it, the people are bound to obey biroasa Minijler, without knowing that he was juftly ordainedor called. Argun. i. We mull obey a Magiftrate without affi?rance of his Call and Title, Rom. 13. therefore a Mini/ter. 2. Chrifl commanded hearing and obeying them that werenot called as God appointed, becaufe they were Priefls; or fat in Mofes Chair, and taught the truth, Luke 16. 29 . Matth.23.2. Luke", r4. Mattb. 8.4. Marks. 44. 3. Elfe the people are put upon impoflìbilities : Can all the poor people tell before they fubenit to a Minifier , what is Effential to his Call, and whether he have all that is fo, and whether his Orders be true or forged, and whether they that ordained "him were trulyy ordained, or chofen themfelves:. Not one of twenty thou- fand knows all this by their Parlors. Propofition t o. The Ordinances are valid to the people when the Minifter is uncalled and unordained, if they know it not : He that bath no lull' Call, fball anfryer for what he Both as an Intruder; but the people fhall havefor all that the fruit of his Minifiration; and Preaching, and Baptifm, and other a&s, (hall not be null to them. t. ThePapifls themfelves confefs this. 2. Elfe fcarce a man could tell whether he be baptized, or may life any Ordinance, becaufe he cannot have an exa& accountof the MiniriersCall, no nor know that he is indeed a Chriflian. I knew divers in the Bithopsdays that forged themfelves Orders, and a&ed longbefore it was difcovered. 3. It is the Office which is Gods Ordinance that is blefl,and valid to the people, and not his Call only. 4. It is he that finneth that mutt fuller, and not the Inno- cent ; therefore his fin depriveth them not of their due. 5. As anufurping Magiftrate oweth us prote&ion, though he (hall anfwer for his tìfurpation ; fo an ufurping Minifieroweth us his labour ; fo that the people are bound to bear and obey men, when theyare uncertainof their due Call, if they pot- fefs the place; and fhall have the blaring of fuch Adminiltrations: for we are lure the Office and work is of God. Propofition 2.1.. The truth of our Doftrine depends not on our Calling. Were we. 487