Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

Church. Hif7oty of Bilbops, we noMini sers,we can prove the Gospel true which wedeliver. And any manmuttbe believed,that bringsa truth that concernethour peace. There- fore let Quakers, and Seekers, and Papists firft difprove our Doarine if they can ; and not cheat the people, byperfwading them, that our Calling mull full be proved; as a,Prophetsmuftbe. Object. But you have your learning only fromBrol!, andVniverfities, and fo have not true Minifters. Anfw. We have it from God in the ufeofhis means; even by prayer, reading, ffudy and learning his wòrks and word ofour Teachers, whether at itniverfties, orelfewhere. And we are commanded to frudyand meditateon theft things, and give our felves wholly to them, and to meditate on Gods Law dayand night, Pfal. I. 2. 2 Tim. 2. /5. r Tim. 4.1345 . Chrifts Minifters mull be Teachers or Tutors to others, andcommit the things which they have heard to faithful men, who .fhall be able to teach others alfa, 2 Tiro. 2. 2. Good Minifters of Chrift are nourishedup in thewords offaith and good Whine, and fo attain to it, i Tim. 4.6. All Ihould learnaccording to their time of teaching, Heb. 5.I I, 12, 14. We fludy nothing but the Word, and works of God: And is not that a Wretch, and not a man, that will reproach usas no Minifters, for doing that which we have our Peafon for, andwhich mutt be the work of*our lives: Poor Christians, as you love God and your Souls, and would nct call off Chrift aid Heaven, let not Deceivers drawyou to cart off the Miniftry, Scripture, or the Ordinances of God.