Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

their Councils abridged. should be tolerated but men of one Stature, Complexion, &c. §. 73. Briefly, they do as one that would let up a Family Govern next, madeup ofmany hundred or :thoufand Families dilfolved and turned into one, and ruled fupremely by a Council of the Heads of fuchenlarged Fa- milies, and then tell us, that this is notto alter the old Species ofFamilies, but tomake themgreater that were before too fmall : Keep but the fame name, anda City is but a Family ílill. And when they have done, they would have none endured, but caft out, imprifoned or banilhed, as fedi- tious, that are for any fmaller Family than a City, (or any leffer School than an Univerfity:) And thefe City Governours muff in one Convention rule all the Kingdom, and in a greater all theWorld. f. 74. I fhall therefore firfttell you, what errour mullnotbe tolerated,' and then by an Epitome of Church-Hiftory, Biíhops and Councils and Popes, thew the ignorant fo much of the Matter ofFa&, as may tell them whohave been theCaufe ofChurch-corruptions, Herefies, Schifms andSe. dition, and how : And whether fuch Diocefane Prelacy and grandure be the Chre, or ever was. And, if God will, in a Second Volume ! shall prove the finfulnefs and novelty of that fort of Prelacy, and anfwen the chief that have defended it. E CHAP s.