their Cóz4ncils abridged. God, if they dobut miflike any thing in their Lives. So alfo while they are drowned in damnable Errour, they cry out againR Errour in thofe that practically hold all the EfTentials of Chriítianity, and are certainly in the way ofLife, if they do differ in any thing from them, or are igno- rant ofany thingwhich they know. He that never puts up a fincere Pray. er toGod for his Gr ce, nay, that would: not have it, to make himho ly, and. deprive himphis finful pleafure, will yet call others erroneous and Schifmaticks, if they ray not by his Book, or in all his Circumftances,;. whilehis. Heart and Family areprayerlefs, andGod's Nameofter heard inOaths andCurfes than in Prayer. s. 14. Becaufe bare opinion may confift with worldlinefs and fiefhly lulls; therefore it hath long been the trick ofthe ungodly to feem zealous for the true Church, and for right opinions, and to overdohere to quiet their Confciences inSin : And it hath been a Snare to many confcionable Peo,. ple, to tempt themto fufpe&anddiflike theTruth, becaufe ungodlyMen- thus Rand for it ; and to think it muff be fome bad thing which wicked men feem fo zealous for : when as theydo it but for a cover for theirSin,. as Hypocrites and Oppreffors ufe long Prayers, which would not ferve their turn ifthere werenot fome good in it. S. 15. And yet Errour is fucha blinding thing, that it'svery ufual even for grofly erroneous men, to cry out molt fiercely againR Errour : For they know not themfelves, and they are proud and felfconceited, and oft- by malignity apt to fufpect and condemn others. What did the Jews per- fecute the Chriftians for ? For fuppofed Herefie and Errour : What did the Heathens caR them to wild BeaRs and Torments for? For fuppofed Impiety and Errour: becaufe they would not erre in their Idolatry as they did. What hath difquieted and torn in pieces the Chriftian World , but erroneous and worldly Popes, Patriarcks, and Prelates, inordinate out-crys againft fuppofed Errours ? For what have they fiilen ced hundreds and thoufands of faithful Minigers of Chrift ? for Errour, For what have they racked, tormented, burnt to Miles, and flain by the Sword fo many thoufand, and hundred thoufands? O, it was for Here- fie or Errour, And are not thefe menperfectly free from Errour them.:- lives, that have fo great a zeal againR it ? No, fogrofly erroneous are- they, that they deny credit to all mens Senfes, and know not Bread and Wine when they fee, and touch, and taRe it; and -would have all.thofe deftroyed that willnot denybelief to fenfe as well as they : -So erroneous- are they,. that they pretenda mortal man to be the-Church Governour of all the Earth ; fo erroneous, that they think God well Worfhipped by- praying in words not underflood ; and dare deny half the Sacrament of theLords Supper to the People, which they confers that he ingituted, and all the Church did ufe; fo erroneous, that they thinkthe`flames-of Pur- gatory will help them the better to love that God that cloth torment them., How foul and manyare their Errours kill, and burn, and damn-others -. as erroneous ?.But S.'yamea hath to`edus,`Yam.:3, That theWrjdont is-not, 3i