their Councils abridged. natifts run into Errour, and keep up their Parties asmore pure from the Crimes ofIdolaters, Traditors, Libellaticks, and other Criminals. 5ulpitius Severets defcribeth It-twins as a man that cared not what he fa id or did , and the reft of the Synod of Bifhops about him as unfit tobe communicated with ; that would bring Chriftianity it felf into reproach by their furious oppofitioñ toHereticks And who would have thought but there Bifbopshadbeen very good men themfelves, that were fozealous a- gainft the Prifcillianifls, as to procure the Death'of fume, and the Banifh- ment of others, and bring.Martin himfelf, and other ftrifï abftemious people into the futpicionof Prifcillianifm ? It was azeal for Chrift, and againft fuppofcd Errour, which raifed the doleful contention about thecorruptibility of Chrift's Body; one Party calling the others Phantafiaflic1 t, and the other calling themCorrupticolæ; into whichErrour the Emperotir yuftinian himfelf didiapfe and become a zealous Heretick, as the OrthodoxParty called him. And even S. Hilary Piflay.1. ro. de Trinit. feemeth not free, when,p. Zog. he faith [ In quern quainvis ant Wins incideret, ant vulnus defcenderet, ant nodi concurrerent, ant fufpenfio elevaret, afferrent quidem bac impetum pafonis, non tamen dolorem paffunis enferrent , ut telum ,aliquod ant aquam perforans, &ut ignem compungens, ant ara vulnerans : Omnes quidemhas paffiones natura fuie infert; ut perforer, ut compungat, ut vulneret ; fed naturam foam bac paf - fo illata non rennet ; dom in naturel non eft vel.aquam forari, vél pungi ig- nem, vet ara vulnerari; quamvis natura teli fit vulnerare &. compunger Cr forare : Parus quidem Dominus Yefus Chriftees dom caditur, due» fufpenditur, dum crucikitur, dom moritur ; fed in Corpus Domini irruens pafe, nec non fuit paffo, nec tarnen naturam paffonio exercuit .Cum& pcenali minifterio ills defavit, & virtus corporis fine fenfu pcena vim pana infe defavientis excepit.J Yet it was againft Herefie that the good Father defended this (worfe,than many of Philaftrius, yeaor Epiphanius'sHerefies.) Fag. aca faith he, ALle_ .turn Domino barefisafcribit: Timuiffe tibi, OHeretice, Dominusgloria paflionem videtur Pag. 216. Non vis, impie haretice, ut tranfeunte pal- mas clavo Chriflus non doluerit, ncq; vulnus illud nollarn acerbitatem teli com- pungentis intulerit. Interrogo, cur pueri ignes non'timuerint nec doluerint--- So p. 217, 2[8. you fee how little heed is to be given oft to good mens outcries againft Herefie: He fpake much better, ibid. peg. 23-I. In fim- plicitate fides eft in fide juflitia eft; in confeflone pietas eft : Non.per (lif ci.. les_ nos Dens ad beatam-vitam quafliones vocal ; nec multiplici elognentis fe- .cttndie genere falicitat. In abfoluto nobis ac facili.oft aternitas, Yefim foe- fcitatum ci mortuir per Deumcredere, & ipfum efe Dominum confteri.] And Lib. or. p. 332. initio [Non enim ambiguis nos 6 erraticis indefinica'deflri- naftudiis dereliquit, vel inertes opinionibus ie,cnia humana permìfie, ftàtutis per fe &- oppofitis obicibus ire libertatem intelligertia voluntatifq; concluders, ut fap:re non nifi ad id tantoem quod peadicatum rt fe fuerat, nosfeuret, term per dkfinitam fidel indemutoebilis conflitotionem,, credi aliter atgeee aliter non li- -e'e.ret.] §. 17. A-nd. 33