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their Councils abridged. the fame Canonical Scriptures that we receive, lave the Àpocaiyps, which is left out. §. 5o. ï(X1X. Next we have -a great Ronan Council of 275 Whops; faith Crab, under Sylvef$er, whichbath 7 Canons : The fall faith, That ne. Bithop fhali Ordain any, but with all the Church united. But whether this was before or after the Nicene Council, is uncertain. And another he mentionethunder Sylvefler at Rome, whichBinniut bath, whereConfüantine baptizedof was prefent and 284Bifhops. ther ìt be true or a fiEtion is uncertain.) But iftrue, it was á very humble- Council : For they all profeffedonly patience, renounced giving their judg- ment at all, but only heard what Sylvefier would fay, profeffing none fit to judge but he. But theyall with Presbyters andDeacons fubfcribedwhat he faid (iftrue.) What he laid I do not well underftand, fuppofingmuch of it tobe fcarce fenfe : I am firm it isfar fromCicero's Latine. t 3 y Bithops came, ex Vrbe Roms velnon longé ab illd, Out of the Cityof Rome, or not far from it: (How bigwere their Dioceffes ?) Here, Cap. z. timemen are curl- ed, (anathematized:) Onewas a Bilhop, Yiftorinus, that being ignorant of the courfe ofthe Moon, contradi&ed the right time of Enfter. lt's well the Al ors and Approvers ofour Impofed. Englifh Liturgy fell not under SyL vefler's feverity, who have (alas, miftakingly) told us, that [Eafler-day, on whichthe reft depend, is always the firfi Sunday after thefirff full Moon,which happens next after the one and twentieth day of March : And if the full Moon to r pen on a Sunday, is the Sundayafter.] This is tine ofthe things that about z000 Minifters are filenced, for not Declaring Affent, Content andApprobation of; yea tothe ufe ofit, and fo tokeep Eafter ata wrong time. But how Sylvefter came to have power to fay all, and to banifhmen, andConflantine fit by and fay nothing, I know not : Dedit eis anathema & damnavit eel extra urbes Pa,. Cap. 3. He Decreed, that noPresbyter (hall accule a Bifhap, no Deacon to Presbyter, &è. and no- Layman, anyof them: And that noPrelate_Pall becon- demnedbut in 72 Teflimonies, northe chiefPrelate be judgedof anyone, becaufe it is written, TheDifciple is not above his Matter. AndnoPresbyterfhaft becon- demned but in 44Teftimonies ; noCardinal Deacon but in 36, &c. And what may theynot then door be ? Cap. 5. He Decreed chord voce, that no Presbyter fhould male Chrifine; becaufe Chrift is fo called ofChrifine: ,,The r 2. Cap. is, Nernodet pcenitentiam, nifi guadraginta annorumpotenti s Letnoman give repentance (or'penance) but to one that feel«th forty years. Cap. 04. Let no man receive the witnefs of a Clergy-man againft a Lay- man. Cap. t 5. For no man may examine a Clergy-man but in the Church. Cap. 16. Let noClerk,, Deacon, or Presbyter, for anyCauf ofhis enter into any Court, becaufe OrnaisCuria àCruore dicitur, every Court is fo calledfrom blood, and is an offering to, Images ; For if any enter into a Court, G 2 let 43