Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

44 Church-HiftoryofBifhops and let him take his Anathema, neverreturning to his Mother the Church. Cap. 17. Letno manpat a finning Clergy-man to death, no Tresbyter,no Dea. con, no Báfhop, that is over a Clerk, or Servitorof the Church, may bring him to death. Eat if the Clergy man's caufe fo require, let him be three days depri- ved of honour, that he may return to his Mother-Church. Cap. 8. No Deacon may offer againfi a Priefl a Chargeof filthinefs. Cap. 20. No man (hall judge of the Primefeat; becaufeall feats defirejufice to be tempered of the firfi feat. The Subfcribers were 284 Bill-lops (what did the other 57 ?) 45 Priefts, and 5Deacons, and the two following, and Con. ltantine and his Mother Helena. O brave. Pope and Clergy t Opatient Council that fubfcribed to one man, and pretended to no judgment! O humble Conflantine, that fubfcribed to all this, and Paid nothing! And a womans fubfcription perfeEtethall. And O credulous Reader that believeth this ! C H'AI).