their- Councils abridged. 47 Arius,: autfiduciarn ullamhabere potuiffet, nifi cam effet occafionem naílus, qua peffimam inter illos ad hodiernum ufque diem concordiamdevinxit. (But O, Fa- ther Epipha-nius,why took you not warning by tl:is, whenyou un- Bifhop- like and un-Canonically fet your felf against holyChryfoffome ?) Alexander beingdead, andAthanafius Ihortly fbcceeding him, he could not bear the Meletian Churches in his City : Andafter fair means he ufed foul : And going himfeif to look after fuch Meetings, with his Retinue, one of his Deacons in the MelerianMeetings broke acertain Veffel, which occafróned forne chiding and fighting, which occafioned Accufations of the Mtletians, and Calumniations of the Arians against Athanafius as a Man of Violence and Tyranny ; which Conflantine abhorring in a Bishop, and Eufeb. Nicorned. reprefenting theMatteras worfe than it was, theEm- permit- (having granted the Aicletians liberty for their Meetings, which Athanafius violently denyed them) ingreat anger commanded a Synod to be held at Tyre to examine theMatter, and Eufebius Cafarienf. with forne others to prefideor order it : Where Potamo BilhopofI4eraclea feeingFu- febias Cef. fit as Judge. and Athanafius stand, with Pafïìon and Tears in- veyed against Eufebius, laying, Who corn endure to fee thee, Eufebius, fit and judge innocent Athanalkis ? Were -not thou and I inPrifon together in time Qf Perfecution, andwhen Ilo/I anEyefor the Truth, thou came/I out unmaimeá ?- Andbow came that to pafs, if thoudidit not promifc forne wicked deed or other to the Perfecutors, or do fence ? Eufebius hearing this, fuddenly role and dif- miffed the Council, faying, If you dare carry it thus here, your Adverfaries Accufationsare to believed For ifyou play the Tyrants here, you do it much more in your ownCountry. Hereupon two Arian Bilhops Vrfulius and Valens are fent into Egypt to enquire after the Truthof.theMatter, who coming back with 'Calumnies against Athanafius, he fled from the Council by Nighttothe Court to the Emperour to give him information ; who taking Athanafius for falfe and Tyrannical would not believe him, but upon Let- ters from the Council, and upon the, provocation of Athanafus, who told him God would judge him for believing his Accufers, banilhed him, where he remained (in Italy) twelve or thirteen years, even till after Con- fantins Death. And whenConflans had compelled his. Brother Conftantiits to reftore him, he was again banithed ; For .George that had been made Bishop by the Arians (andbyConflantius) was killed by the Heathen People in Yulians time, and his Corps burnt, and the Afhes fcattered into the Wind, which increafed the fufpicion of Tyranny againfb Athanafius But. in Yovians Reign he was again reftored ; And after his Death, he con- flicted with Infamies again : And when Athanafius was Dead, the Empe- rour Valens let Lucius over them , who affli red the People that had followed Athanafius, and Peter whom they had chofen for their Bishop, and byBaníihment, Death andTormenfs, made them knowwhat Church- Tyranny was indeed. Thus far Epiphanius giveth ,us the Hiftory of the Afeletian Schifn, and the drabs ofgood Bilhops impatience with Diffenters. S. 3, But