,_..1*.n.bfNetAti.il Eph.4. 52 Seethe ft P lowing texts. al blar.13. 33, 3537. cor,t6. 13. I Tiler. 5. 6. Lul Ep11.6.. 0 120 3,14,18 aci .3 ,435)6.1 Cor.to to ter. 13, 20, z He% (.6, & 10.30,31, 32 Ao35,38. 2". Rom. 8.13. 23,2 ,29,30. 2 tiro 24.4. Lam.3. 42, 7 Ifa.43 . Ala, 2.17 1/2.1.I 13, 1.l, Pc.95.T0.8c 7 8.40. E1 h.4. 3 c, Amos 2.13. (42) imptsdency of Calumniators caufeth me to add this Caveat, onfore. fight of their attempts. 29. Therefore it is that every Chriflian mufffirg bend the pow- ers ofhis foal,for holinefs and obedience, and for there lay out the fir/i ofhis care and labour, and but confequentially for Remiifion of fin, becatice ofhis unavoidablefailing in his firfl attempts forobedi- ence. 0 tberWif e, ifbefore thefin is committed, the Righteoufnefs of Remi.ftionWtwe in order to be referred and defired before the Righ. teoufnefs of obedience, then a man that 'hot& life his atmoft endea- vour to commit as manyfins as hecould, or at leaf!, ao he couldhope fliouldbe pardoned, and he that finned molt, that he might have the moll ufeforpardon, did take the moll pleafing ceurfe to God, andfa menAmidfin thatgrace might abound. Then Which Wicked imagi-, nation,not king is morecontrary to Gofpel- grace. 30. Therefore it is alfo, that Goddot hdeter menfrom ftMiegrea- ter fins, as more difficult to be pardoned in fome refpeEls, then leis : that i^, They fhall not have the pardon of them, at leaf' fully, onfo quick andeafie terms, as the other : nay he deterreth them from go- ingfar infin, either as to the intenfive increafe, or the continuance of time, WI hecut them off, or withdrawhis Grace, andgive them up to themfelves, andpardon them not at all: Hechargeth them tofeek him while hemay befriend, and call upon himWkle he is near, and that the wickedforfake his way, and that they harden not their hearts, but bear while it is called today, left he'Wear in his Wrath, that they (ball not enter into his refl. Nat, there is afin which he will not par- don,but loath excepted out of the ,151 of Remtfsion, va.thefinal non- performance ofthe gorpel-conditions,of Faith Repentance andfircere new obedience, and the Blaithemy againfi the Holy ghofi, (what- foever be laid oftotall eApoflacy alio.) All which fhews that god, as l?effor, Would have us rather to obey him, then put him topardon our difobedience : Saidlity being ourfan4y, the health of ourfouls, andpardon but one part ofthe cure (curing our own loft and mifery, but not ouriinholinefr as ftsch. ) And god would have us rather to forbear wounding our felves, then to make woundsfor him to cure. eArnd th:refore,difobedience (Whichmull be pardoned) is commonly called in the Scriptures, the difple4i, g of God, and the ofena'ing him ; it is a wrong;ng and abssfing him, it is a preffing him, a pro- voking him, a grieving him; &c. And God would rather have us forbear this, then to put him to remedy it : and is better pleated with NO°