(43) not-grieving him, not difplealing andoffending him, not abtsfing him, then to do all thin, and then feek a pardon. Though its true , that When We have foolifhdy offended, a pardon through Chrifis blood Both blot out ail the guilt or obligntion to punifhment. I (leak not all this of Gods Decretive will de Rerum eventu,nor do I noW diffinte, whether according to that be Willed; fin and whe- ther it be fit to fay, that Godhad rather Davidcommitted Adulte- ry and califurder by Gods permit /ion, and b pardonedfor it then not to commit it : Theft I now meddle not with ; but it to his will at Bahr, de aNuo, Bono, Debito, jure , that I .tleak sak this of : alndfo Inherent Righteossfneis u thus pleafingto God. 3 t. Hence it is that Chrifi himfelf, as .,:ntediator, and Redeemer, in fatisfying and procuring pardon, is a Remedy, a means toour Re- covery, away to the Father, &c. It is one end of his bloodfhed and Redemption to procure us the Spirit, and tjtore iss to a (late of Ho- liners, and to porifie to hinofelf a peculiar people, zealous of good worki,Tit.z.14.& to Waft; us ePclessofeusIthat he may prefent uspure and acceptable tohis Fat her,wit bout lot or wrink/e,Eph.5 .26,2,7. Tet let none layhere, that I make our ownfanblity to be a better thing fimply then Chrifis fatUfatlion or merits, in making it the End, winch is alool better then the Means : For, I . I make it but one part of the End, andnot the whole (nor do I fay that it is the Vitimate Endat all :) And it is the whole End that is better then the Means. 2. rixti it is not fimpliciter & materialiter, , that the End is alway better then the means , but its only true of the means in the formal notion of a means, andnot quoad naturam rei. Ifany further objerl, that God is better pleated to have the world Redeem- edby Chrift then to have had themkeep their innocency, and to have his own people fin, then to live perfedly , or elfe it fhould not fa come to pals. I anfwer,Thts is tranfire I genere ad genus": It con- cerneth Gods will de Rerum Eventu qui talis, of which I will not noW Owe; and not his Moral Will, de Debito& bono Morali. I doubt not but God can fee that he be no lofer byfin, or elfe he Would not permit it : But I am not now .seaking of that Decretive will about events, rvbich in molt things is fo farabove our reach and therefore is calledby Divines, his Secret Will ; but of that Will by which he is the Fountain of LAIoral Good, and coverneth the world, and which is more Within our reach , and therefore fitteft to go- vern our expreffions ; and which in the Lords Prayer we g 2 Pray Mat.11.37. I joh.3.1,6. Ma .2 21. & 28.11. Luk.; 9, cn J(h,14.6 Mang.' z I 1011.3,8. Helo.13,11