Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(47) andfentencing fun,definitively by Itsclgem'nt,Whichistbe enefi proper and perfeEl. Other fubfervient forts there be, as by witneles, &c. 40. There U much more goes to the continuing and confummating Mat. i z 36., our juftsfication, then doth at firfi tojetnifie us, as to the condition ;7am" 2 2.4 amour parts, to beperformed to that end. Faith alone Without ex- 18,4, ..aor_.e.i.:.;,.1 5e tertian aEie ofObedience, doth fuffice toourfirfi ?unification : Tea, 1 h thefirnfelitarynumerical/ at! of faith : But fo it doth not to the B ev .2 z. 14. continuance. For there is Hill requifite thereto, I. The continuance "8°h.5.33436, on offincere 0bedience : and many pop ticular Materials of that ofthe Habit, 2. And renewing the 4E1 of thatfaith, 3. The additi- :3 5,19 ,n) zhg:z. Obedience (but not all) are madefo neceff'ary, that without them, Mats 8.3 5. the obedience cannot be fincere ; as to be Humble, to forgive others, to loveone another inChrifl, to be merciful, to confefs Chrin, and filerfor him ifcalled to it, &c. there muff' be in the Habit, and ordinarily prevalent in all, upon opportunity. 1. Arg. The word exprefly conflituteth there Conditions , of See after of our not lofing ournateofiuffificatien , or of continuing it, there- this more. 26 fore they arefo.Ihaveformerly !hewed it in many ,Sciptures. 2 Arg. li27d) / , Ourfill faith having the true nature ofa Covenanting WithChrift, andgivingour(elves to bim,and taking himfor our Lord-Redeemers therefore itfollows, that as theCovenant making and Accepting Was ofneceffity, as the Condition our firft Right and Reuel/ion, 'Oil 4" our Covenant keeping, ofthefameneceffity to our continued Bight ; and that God ie,as it were,difobliged,if we Aouldnot keep Covenant. And the keefieg bath more in it then the bare making. No Cove- nant Relations ufually are entered among men, but the Covenant keeping t., more then the making, and the Condition oftheir continued .) Right more then of theirfirn Right. So it is with a SubjeCi to his 'Prince, Wife to a Husband, Souldier to a Commander, .scholler to&Teacher, Servant to his gaffer, dec. Promifing will give them the firfi Right; but peforming `in the efentials)mun continue Pe it, or it will cea if es For the endofthe promile was its perfo. mance : And in that re & fa.-tb , which is the Covenant. Is inferwur to Obedience which is prOrnifed ; though in other relpeEls it may befm- perieter. 3. Arg. If there Were nomore necefary to the contineeUg ofour 7ssfiifi-ation, but onely thefame thing which dig con/!itute it, then we 'hoofdbe 'unified by no one aEl offaith to our lives end but only the firfi inflantaneotes aa, andfo our fait after that inflant Avoid