( 48 ) lhould never more be AgifYing faith. But that,falfe for Abra.; ham isfaidto be 7uflifiedII an at"? offaith,whichwas not his firfl:fo Was 11 ahab, andfo are we all. So that more is required, as the condi- tion ofcontinuing it, then beginning it. 41. Hence alfo itappears, that though We are fimul & femel, & z. 1,s. univerfally 7uflifiedfrom all the fins ofour unregenerateftate, yet We TAIL t,3. are notfofrom allfollowingfns : and that there mug be a continu- ing caufe ofour continued Itsigfication ; which is (for the neereft ef- ficient) t the continued Moral/ of orforce of the remedying Lalts or thepromife. - See all the 42. Hence alto it is evident, that 7 esgificationor pardon,_44 to the Texts cited prefent exigence ofit to aBeliever, is all:sail andnot meerly condi- before to tionall, as it was before Believing: But as to the continuance and Promo. renewed pardon of Renewedfins, and the conftsmmation, it is conditi- onal/flill. Avg. I. Its evident in the letter of the prornife, giving even to Believers [Nob Remiffionand Itsftification,if they perfevere, if theyforgive others, obey, &c. Arg. 2. Elfe (as is fail) no one ell offaith it [elf, but thefirfi could be the condition ofpardon, if it did not remain conditionall as to the continuanceand renewal/. 43 Salvation is as freely Givenas our klification , and on the Rom. z compa3;ed.' 4 fame conditions as our full luftification at ludgement is : for Rom.4.4,13, that Zug:ftcation confifleth principally but in determining our right x6. & 5,17, tofalvation by *lickfentence. And it is as much dilhonor to alt..=fir i8,2t. & 6. bloodand Free-Grace, to make man his own GlorifYer as pardoner, 13. & 8.1, 1J or togive the bona of Chrig to man, in the matter offalvation as H6,13.11,4.,i7r.3 much as in pardon and lugification. - It ,t;Ptherefore a vain diflinEtion Tit.3.4 5 6,7 Without anyground in Scripture, tofay thatfaith onely is the con- 4h.2. 4,5 dition ofourfinall Iugification, but Works alfo are conditions of the Gift of Glorification.' And to make one aEt offaith lufisfying (viz. the apprehenfion ofChrifts. Righteoufnefs ) and another raving, or adopting, as the conditionof theft, is meerly 'Without Scripture,which diginguitheth notfavingfromjufisfyingfaith, as to the nature ofthe a51, Mat.6.x 41 It is aChriflians duty to make his own continued, renovate, 5, andconfummate Remiffion offin, and hisfalvation , one end I his Col.i.s 2,, 23. obedience : and to workout hisfalvation with fear and tremilnrig : Phil.z.x z. andthe contrarydoarine is pernicious and intollerablet Therefore our Mat.' Liz. obedience isfame means to theft ends : therefore called, The way to Reuss, 14. the Kingdom. 45. Though