Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

() 14:8 3, & tried in Audgement ae either 'toft or stnj andfo the perfoa- as to 34 103it3it, that Cassfe juil or :1,44 ; and there is no middle betWeen Pfai. 1. 4, /, theft. Wharfever therefore Will be the cattle of the Day to be tried, & 334 5, & if it be a lull eaufe,Will fofar Iallifie the perfon as his Righteossf- 3147' !9' nefs. It is evident that as the general final carafe of that Day Will Tr 30. 18. & be whether we are fans ofLife or Death, to be fent to Heaven 6x,8, or Hell. as to Which our Righeossfnefs is [Non Reams mortis, & Jus ad p, xmium] formally (Which is a Relation) fo there are two fisbordinate caufes to be tryed in order to this thenext to'it,will whether we have part is Chrift, and the Gofpel Guift : The next &clef,' z. x4, is infubordination to this ; vix, whether we have performed the Mat. 11. z6. Conditions of theGofpel : and upon this will all depend, and the Mac' 25 final lentence fo that this being part of the Casale ofthe Day, the Righteoufnefs of this cattle muff needs be the Righteoufnefs of the Perron, beetusfe of which the fudge will fofar Inflifie him. The Confegion of the firft Guilt ofmeer fin, is fti11 filppOled. 49. By this it appeareth that God will Judge men according to their Works, andaccording to what they have done in the flefh, Whe- ther it be Good or Evil ; and that it Will be a part of the caufe 6f Pareps in the day, to try us, whether we have fulfilled the conditions oftheNew 5. 20: Covenant or not, appeareth, in that Chrift doth not only tell us fa in iomi; ,4938 defcripeion of the ludgement ; butfo much infifieth upon this,that z 92311; we mull be very obfervant left we fee not the reji, but take this for As 17. ;cp: the whole tri y1:Mat. 25.2x. Well done good and faithful fer. 3 x want , thouhaft been faithful over a little, &c. And Luke addetis, Mat x 2* 36, ('what is here plainly implyed) BecauCe thou, haft been faithfuls RQm.Z,6i7 g, Verf. 35,36. For I was hungry, and y gave me meat, &c. that 9,10,11. Ere preferred meyoter LordRedeemer beforeyour Worldly Riches, a Cor 4 4,5. cfileafores and f afetyof Lfe, whichyou are not inverted ii,'lot deny- Ray. 1°. / 2'1 ing to hazard or expend allfor me, when I callyou to it, , on behalf of 3. max. 13,49 my members : 3 And upon this ground, the are not only called 41,12,43.1' Righteous, but adjudged to Lifea verf. 46. dnd the Lord himfelf & 2.2 12,13; Whofpake theft words, doth expowid 'the nord Righteous here by t, 1,17, other Words, in lob, 5. z9. 'Here he faith, And thefe fhall go away into Everlailing punifhment, but the Righteous into Life 'Eter- nal And there hePtah, 'The,hOter is C91471;,'ngs in the'Which all that are,in the x.raves, °'Jh.411 hear his voice_ and Jhall cone forth, - ,They that have Done Good unto the refurrenon ofLife anhhey .ghat have done evil unto the Rearreri ion of Damnation, Yet let H 2 none