Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(57) Righteeufnefs, confifling in a performance ofthe Conditions of the Gofpel or newCovenant, which is the Condition ofour intereft in they firft ; or elle he cannot be Itsflifled,(yet is this latter but fubordinate to the former, as to thatfentential Abfoloition.) 7. Seeing this twofold Righteoufilefs is necerary to our Iufl;flea- tion in Judgement, therefore it muff needsfollow that it is necefary to the making us Righteous, or our Conflitutive Jullification in this life (in the order beforelaid down) : For the LaW is theRule of7:ailment ;and GodJudgeth men to be as they are ; and therefore he maketh them Righteous,both by Rernifflon of allfikand bygiving them to perform theConditions ofthe NeWCovenant,before hejudge themfo Having thusgivenyou thefum of my Judgement in thefe feven Propofitions, I will not apply the cited Texts to each diftindly, it being done in the Margin already, but will only recite together thofe Texts, Whichforce metogive this much to other Atli befides faith, (and tofaith itfelfin the fenfeexpreffed); as againft the ge- neral charge of thole Brethren that have notfeared to cenfure anddefame me,ao giving too much to rvorks, yea as much as Bellar- mine,and teaching an almoft pure Socinian Juftification. Andfirft I (hall recitefome of thole texts that feem to give a Caufa litie to mans athens, to the obtaining ofgods favour, pardon andAlvation, which can befare interpreted ofnothing lower then a Condition, which is noproper Catefe. Luke 19. 17. Andhefail unto him : Well, thou goodfervant I Becaufe thou haft been faithful in a very little, have thou author:- tie overten cities. - Mat. 25.21,23. Well done, thou good and faithful fervant I thou hall been faithful over a few things ; lwill make thee Ruler overmany things; enter thou into the toy of thy Lord. Verfe 34,35,4o. Comeye blefedofmy Father,inherit the King- dompreparedforyoufrom thefoundation ofthe World: For I Was hungry andye gave me meat, I was thirflie andye gaveme drink, cc. Verily Ifaie untoyou, in as much as ye have done it to one of the leaft ofthefe my Brethi en,ye havedone it unto me. 46. And thefe Jball go into everlafling punifhment, but the Righteous into Life eternal. Gen. 22.16,.17,I8. By my fell have I(worn faith the Lord, For becauje thou haft done this thing, andhalt not withheld thy fon, thine