Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(58) thine only fon,that in Bleffing I will bleP thee, and i, multiplying will multiply thyfeed as the liars of the Heaven,&c. And in thyfeed 'hall all the nations oftheearth be bided, becaufe thou haft Obey- ed my Voice. Joh. 16 27. For the. Father himfelf Lovethyou, becaufe you have Lovedmet and have believedthat I came out fromGod. Joh.3.2z,23. Andwhatfoever, we ask, we receive of him,Becaufe We keep his Commandrnents,andDo thole things that are Pleading inhisfight. emend this is his Commandment, that we Believe in the name ofhisfon jefus Chrifl, andLove one another. 2 Chr011.34. .26127 . Thusfaith the LordGodoflfrael,&c. Be= caufe thine heart MU tender, and thou didfl humble thy felf before Clod, when thou heardft his Words againft this place, and againft the Inhabitants thereof; and humbledfl thyfelf before me, anddidft rend tby clothes and,Weep before me, Ihave even heard thee alfo faith the Lord. Rev. 3. 10. Becaufe thou hall kept the word of my. Patience, I alto will keep thee from the hour oftemptation, Which 'hall come on all the world. Pfal.9i . 9,14 Becaufe thou haft madeth,Lord,which is my refuge; even the molt high, thy habitation, therefhall no evilbefall thee,&c. Becaufe he hathfet his Loveupon me, therefore will Ideliver him; Iwillfee him on high,becaufe he loathknownmy name : he'hall call uponme, andI will anfwer him, 1 will be with him in trouble, I Will deliver him; andhonour /Jim ; With long life will Ifatisfe him, and Aew himmy falvation: Mark 7. 29. Andhelaidunto her, For this laying, go thy Way, the Devil isgone out of thy.Daughter. Rev. 3.4. They(hall walkWith me in white, For, (or becaufe) theyare worthie,an SoRev. 7, 14, 15. Gen.7. g. So thofe Scriptures thatfaie Weare 714flifled ,noW, or 'hallbe at judgement, by other allions befides Faith Ifiech as are theft" follow- ing. Mat.I 2. 36,37. But Ifay untoyou, that everie idle word that menfballfpea( , they Aid/giveaccount thereofin the dayoflodge- ment. For by thy Words thouAalt be juftified, and by thy words ;hatefbalt be condemned. _Pines 24. refee then how that by works a man is hillifietl, and