/XI (59) andnet byfaith only ( Read the ref from verfe x 3. to the end of the Chapter. Beza thinketh that Tit. 5:7. andRom. 8. 30. do in the term Juftification comprehend both Remifflon offin and Sanctification And ifthat befo,then there is a Jollification in Scripture mentioned, whereof Reenifflon offin is one part, and inherent Righteprefnels is another, both together making au perfectly Righteous or Juflified, as Beza there intimater, on Tit. 3.7. That being 7oflifiedby his grace, weAvoid be made heirs according to the hope of Eternal Life. Rom. 8. 30. whom he called, them he alfO 7oftified. Luke 18.13,14 And the 'Publican fianding afar off; would not lift upfo muth as his eyes to heaven, but finote on his brefl, laying, god be merciful to me afanner 'tell you this man went down to his houfe 7reflifledrather then the other : For everie one that ex- alteth himrelffhall be abaled ; andhe that htsmbleth himfelf,fhall be exalted. Rom 2. 13, 1.4.. For not the Hearers of the Law are .70.11 before God, but the- Doers ofthe LawJhall be fullified ; For When the gentiles Which have not the La*, do by nature the things contained in the LetW,thefe having not the Law, are a Law unto themfelves which fhew the workof the Law written in their hearts, their Confci- ence alto bearing witnefr, and their thoughts the mean while accufing or elfe excufing one another, in the day wh-n God"hall judge thefe- crets ofmen by lifers Cbrig according to my Gofpel. So thole Texts that contain terms .equipollent to luflification by work!, or putting 7odgingfor Iollifying, andAccording to 40ead of [By] ; or the like. Rev. 20. 12, I 3. And the dead were judged out ofthole things which were written in the books according to their Works. And the Sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were Judged every man according to their Works. 2 Cor. 5.9,10. Wherefore We Labour that Whether prePent or etb. fent,ree may be Accepted ofhim; For we muff all appear before the yudgement feat of Cbrill, that every one may receive the thing: done in his body, according to that he bath done, whether it be good or bad ; knowing therefore the terror of the Lord,We perfwade men. Cor. 3. 8, Every man "ball receive his own Reward, according to his own Labour. 2, John