(8S) firmeth me to do, that it very much grievethme,(next the obfcu.. pity of-myown underftanding, and my defe6tivenefs in embracing and improving thofe truths which I know) that I cannot tell how to make menfully underftand my mind, and fee the belt and worft ofmy thoughts, in matters of Religion ; I null add a few more words, though no more in fence, as being for matter a Repetition ofwhat is faid. Conchs/. 1. I have ever held, and do hold,that at our firft be. lieving,we are Adually and Abfolutely juftified from all our fins, without exceptions, by faith in Chrift, without the works of the Law, or without works inPauly fence. Conchal. 2. 1 have ever held that faith it felf, as a work, in Pauli fence, hathno hand in our Justification, nor falvationimucb `lets is it the caufe thereof, quaopus, as fuch a work. Conchvf. 3. I have ever held to this moment, that even thofe pofitive worksof external obedience to Chrift, which all that live after their firft believing mutt perform, or perifh, are not fo much as conditions ofour firft Aftuall J uftification, no nor exi- Rent till after it. Conchal*. 4. I have ever understood molt ofour Divines, when they fpeakofJuftification by faith alone, to meanby juftification, Gods firft putting us into a juftified and pardoned elate, upon our firft believing. And if fo, either 1 give no more to works to our Juftification then they, or elfe I knownot my own thoughts. I fay therefore as they ufe to do,Boxa operafequuntar haftaficatuan non precedent Juitificandum and therefore they cannot Juftifie. Which Reafon can hold Of Iuftification in no other fence then this. Concluf. 5. I ever thought that it is no Merit or Dignity, or value ofmans works, or his faith either, which is the leaft Caufe ofhis Juftification in the loft judgement or the continuance of Juftification here ; much lefs ofhis firft being juftified. Concluf. 6. I do not believe that manis any way, by any aft of faith or obedience, any true caufe of Gods pardoningor pftify- ing him : principal or inftrumentall. Concluf. 7. I never went about to give works or duty, any part ofthat intereft in our Iuftification , which our Divines do fre- -quently give to faith ; viz. to be the instrument of our Iuftifica- tion'eFor indeed I deny fo high an honor toboth. Concluf8.