(89) Concluf. 8. Much leis dare I admit the leaft thought into my foul, ofgiving the leaf} part ofChrifts honour or office, either to faithor works, fo far as I am able to difcern it; nor did I ever feel a defire in my foul fo to do:for though I know I have in me the feed ofall fin ; yet it is no wonder if this fin be fo far fuppref- fed, as not to of fenfibly, when both Chrifis intereft and mine own do lye fo full againft it. And if any Brother will manifeit that I have given the kali of Chrifts honour or office to mans works or faith, inword or writing, I proteft my felf unfeignedly willing to receive his information, and that upon fuch receipt, I will publickly recant fuch words, and defire fuch writings may be committed to the flames. Concluf. 9. Nay, one main reafon which conitraineth me to differ frommy Brethren, and to deny that faith is an instrument of Justification, is, becaufe I dare not give fo much ofChrifis honor toman, or any aft ofmans, as to be an efficient caufe of pardon- ing himfelf. Concluf. To. I conceive therefore that the difference between me and them, is not that I give any more indeed to works then they, but that they give more to faith then I, andconfequently to man and that ifI be guilty oflevellingor equalling faith, and obedience too much, as fome think ; it is not by bringing up works too high (to be inftruments of Juflification as they make faith) but in taking down faith too much, by denying it to be the juftifying instrument ; and confequently in too muchabating all actsofman, which yet I do not fee that I am guilty of Concluf. I I: I ever held that it is onely faith,and not works,that is the receiving ofChrift, and that faith being the onely receiving Grace,(wherein no meer moral duty or Grace doth participateof its honor or nature)it was therefore by Godpeculiarly deffinated, or appointed to the office ofjuftifying, as fitteft to the glorifying ofFree-Grace, and ofGod-Redeemer therein. Condo/. 12. This faith I difference from Evangelical obedi- ence, as I difference the confent to a mans Soveraignty,frommy obeying him as my Soveraign or the confent to Marriage Rela- tion, from the conjugal fidelity and obedience of a wife to her husband : or the taking a man to be my Captain, from obeying him, or fighting under him : or the taking a man to be my Phyfi- tian, from obeying his counfel, and taking his Medicines : and N Repentance