( 903 Repentance I take to be to our faith in Chrift, as the breaking of from other Suitors and Lovers, and turning the mind to this one, is to Marriage : (though fome other differences may be ima- gined, theword being taken varioufly.) So that I do no more (as I am accufed) comprize all obedience in faith , becaufe I Comprize a Love to the Redeemer, and a Confent to be govern- ed by him, then j comprize all Conjugal Obedience and fidelity ofa woman to her husband in the Marriage-Covenant or Con. lent, becaufe I comprize in it Love to theman,and a Covenant of fidelity and obedience for the future. As 1 have faid, Faith with me, is the Taking ofwhole Chrift, (that is in all thofe Refpeds which are Effential to him as he is Redeemer and. Saviour) by all thole adsof the foul, which are of abfolute neceffity to the true Receptionof fuch an object : that is, by Affent, Confent, Love to him, Affiance, whichalfo have fuch further refpective diverfi. fications, as I fullyer before expreffed. Con. 13. I am veryConfident that when Paul includes faith, and excludes works, he never meant by Faith any one fingle in- dividual ad, or any one onely fort ofaa in the firiteft Phyfical fenfe,calling all the reft Works. And ifany man will but tell me what one phyfical aet he will tye Juftification to, I will prove to him that he excludeth that faith which God includeth. Our own Divines ordinarily fay,that juffifying faith bath threeads, Nati- tia, Affinfte4 Fiducia, And Ville, Eligere, Confentire, Accepta- re, is the principal of all, which is not the fame with any one of thefe. And fiducia is more then one it fell And that Affent which is but one in tnere, is many in particulars, according to the ma- ny truths to be believed to the very effence of Juftifying Faith. The Scripture exprefly defcribeth it, as confifting in Affent, Re- ceiving, Affiance, &c. Cou..14. I am ofopinion, that thofe that takejuffifying faith only for one Ad infenju Phyfico, do utterly lofe and confound them- felves in the doctrine ofJuftification, making it impoffible for any man on earth to knowwhich is the juffifying faith : Not only be- caufe they have no wordofGod todired them,by confining it to any one ad,(without which they can donothing),but alfo becaufe the foul is fo curious a piece in its effence & operations,& fo much unacquainted with it fell, and fo defeaive in reflex Knowledge, that no man can fo difcern its aas,as perfe6ly todiftinguith them, and