(i08) and calleth the Lawof Works, will hardly underftand the mean- ing ofPauli Epiftles : But what thedifference between thefe two Laws is, as I take it to be a queftionof fo great difficulty, that I never could yet, have full fatisfadion in any thing that I have feen upon it, fo it is not now to be handled. Conclu. 6. They that fay, The Law of Works is in force to unbelievers, but abrogated to Believers, or to men as foon as they believe,do fpeak fo grofs abfurdityor contradiction, that any man man difcern it, that knows what the Abrogationof a Law is : The whole Law is repealed and thereby nulled , by Abrogation And if it were fo, it could binde none, much lefs the fame man yefterday, and not to day. Conclu. 7. It is not by any exemption, exception , expofition zar s9r.si;t---ily, or any preventive Difpenfation ( if fuch a thing may be) by which Believers are freed from the Laws obligation to punifhment : But it is properly, by a pardon, granted Condi- tionally before , for the fake of Chrifts fatisfa6tion ; and Atiu- ally Remitting, and thereby relaxing the Law, or Defpenfing.with it after the guilt. Conclu. 8. That this Law containing all the forefaid parts , is yet in force, isat large, and molt exprefly afferted by the Divines of our late Affembly,whofe teftimony for number and worth, I have reafon to prefer before any Tingle perfons. in their. Confef- fion,cap. I 9. they fay, Godgave to Adam a Law, as a Covenant of works, by Which he bound him and all his poflerity to perfonal, entire, exa5t,and perpetual obedience, promifed lifeupon the fulfilling, and threatneddeath upon the breach of it ; and endued him withpour and ability tokeep it. 'This LaWafter hisfall, continued to be a per- feel rule of Righteoufnefs , and ots fuck was delivered by God upon Mount Sinai, e,tc See. 5. The moral Lawdoth for ever binde as well:lull:fled perfons as others,to the obedience thereof,&c.Sea.6. lthough-true Believers are not under the LaW, as a Covenant of Works, to be thereby juflifled or condemned , yet it is of great ufe to them as Weil as to others,in that as a Rule, &c.lt is likewife of ufe to the Regenerate to reflrain their corruptions, in that it forbidsfin, and thethreatnings of it ferve to Phew; what even theirfins deferve, and What unlit-lions in this life they may expeel for them although freed from the curie thereof threatned in the Law. And in the larger Catechifm they fay, what is the moral Law ? Anfw;