Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

009) Anfw. The Moral Law is the Declaration of the Will of God to manCnde , diraling and bindiug every one to perfonal,perfed , and perpetual conformity and obedience thereunto, in theframe anddifpo- fition of the whole man, foul andbody, and in performance ofall thole duties of holynefs and righteoufimfs,Which he oweth to God andman, prornifinglife upon thefulfilling,and threatningdeath upon the breach of it. The ufes to all follow. Only note what I Paid before, that the promiffory part, I think is now ceafed And therefore I eafily confefs, that neither the be- lievers nor unbelievers are under the Law as a Covenant of Works, if the word Covenant be meant of Gods promife of Life. And as it is a condemningLaw,I eafily and joyfully acknowledge, that noman is under it as before Chrifts fatisfadion ( in moral being ) that is, as having no prepared nor offered remedy , but left as the Devils without aRedeemer : And I gladly grant, that it is molt proper to fay, that no Believer is under the condemna- tion of the Law, or under its condemning power : becaufe, a. All the fins of their life paft, are actually remitted, 2 And they are in a fure way for the pardon of future fins when they are com- mitted : Seeing as the Moral Law doth bind them to punifbment, fo the Remedying-Lawof Grace diffolveth that obligation , and pardoned' themwhen they.have finned they having Faith and Repentance,which is the Condition.Nor cloth any new fin deftroy their flate ofJuflification, normake them ceafe to be Gods recon- ciled children, Peeing-they.are ffill united to Chrift and have his Spirit, and have Faith andRepentance. Condo, 9. The Law threateneth or curfeth the Elea as well as others, while they are Infidels and unregenerate : For all Chrifts fatisfadion, and Gods Decree, and the certainty of their future pardon when they believe, and for all Godhash foretold that he will call and pardon them. Conan. .no. God doth execute real punifhments on many of the Elea, (yea all) before their converfion notwithaanding Chrift bath fatisfied Juffice for them. Conclu. I t. No fins of Believers are aaually pardoned before they are committed, or in being. Conclu. 12. Though all true Believers are under Grace and as to their flate and all their former fins are delivered Aecually from the Condemnation, or Obligation of theLaw being tr-ly u P 3 forgiven,